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Filelist Creator for Windows 7 - Easily create lists of your files with Filelist Creator. - Windows 7 Download

Filelist Creator Windows 7

Filelist Creator 21.3.30

"Effortlessly generate detailed file lists with Filelist Creator."

Looking for an easy and efficient way to create file lists? Look no further than Filelist Creator from Stefan Trost Media. This Windows 7 software allows you to quickly generate lists of files and folders, complete with customizable layouts and formatting options. With a user-friendly interface and reliable performance, Filelist Creator is a must-have tool for anyone who needs to organize and share their files. Download it now and see the difference for yourself!

Filelist Creator 21.3.30 full details

File Size: 2.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2021-03-30
Downloads: Total: 65 | This Month: 6
Publisher: Stefan Trost Media
Publisher URL:

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Filelist CreatorFile & Disk ManagementWindows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

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Filelist Creator 21.3.30 full description

Filelist Creator is an efficient piece of software, and a good choice for people interested in generating file lists according to the contents of particular directories. All tasks are performed swiftly, it does not hamper the computer’s performance and there are sufficient options to keep you busy for quite a while.

For various occasions, lists of files or directories are required: perhaps you need an index of some files or folders on a CD, DVD or memory stick, you would like to send a list to a colleague or you want to publish a list on the Internet.

Creating such a list, however, takes time. It is tedious to list all the files and folders by hand, especially if it is about 100, 1,000 or even 100,000 files. Certainly, another way leads through various computer commands in the command prompt, but very few know about this or are satisfied with the created output format.

The easiest way is to use the Filelist Creator, which you can download on this website for Windows, macOS and Linux for free. With this program, it is no great effort! It is sufficient to just drag files to the program and your files will be listed automatically. When doing this, it is your choice whether only files, only directories or both, files and directories should be listed.

Of course, despite this simplicity, you can use many optional settings. You can determine which columns are used in which form in the table, you can specify how the design should look like and beyond, you can adjust the output as you need it: as XLSX or ODS spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice, as HTML website, as an image, a CSV file, or, of course, as plain text.

In addition to general file and folder properties such as name, format, type, size, path, path length, folder level or number of files, also specific properties of audio files (for example, artist, title, album, track number, duration or genre), video files (such as width, height, duration, or FPS), images (like width, height, color depth, or resolution) or text files (encoding, BOM, line break type, number of lines or characters) can be listed just by checking the corresponding option in the columns list. Which of these columns in which format should be included in your file list, can be determined by yourself.

The Filellist Creator is fully compatible with Unicode. This means that you can easily create lists of files that contain Unicode characters and you can use Unicode in all settings, such as in the headings of columns. Even when you save your list, all common Unicode formats and the ANSI format is supported.

Ease of Use: To see their first final table, it is enough to drop some files from a folder to the program. You save a lot of time. Nevertheless, of course it is possible to go into any detail and to adjust the default settings individually to your needs.
Any Files: The program is not limited to files from only one folder, you can add files from any folder to the list. It is possible to simply drag files into the program, you can search in folders or your entire computer. A filter function provides the ability to search just for special files.
Directories and/or Files: Not only files can be listed with the Filelist Creator. You can also create lists with folders and directories. In the settings, you can adjust whether only files, only folders or both, files and directories should be added to your output list.
Access via Context Menu: If you want, you can show the Filelist Creator in the context menu of files or folders or in the "Send to" menu. With this, you can create file lists directly from your explorer or you can add new files or folders to an existing file list. How to do that and more information about this topic, you can read on the page shortcuts.
Folder Informationen: The File list Criter can output information about folders such as the folder size, the number of contained files and/or folders (with or without the files and folders from subfolders), or the folder level.

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Filelist Creator 21.3.30 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
In addition to the search with regular expressions, the filter for the file name and the file extension now also supports simpler wildcard searches with * (any series of one or more characters or no character) and ? (single character).
[ Filelist Creator release history ]

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