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Film.Strip.Explorer for Windows 7 - "Explore Photos Like Never Before" - Windows 7 Download

Film.Strip.Explorer Windows 7

Film.Strip.Explorer 0.99

Discover a new way to view images with Film.Strip.Explorer for Windows 7.

Film.Strip.Explorer by is a top-rated freeware designed for Windows 7 users who love to reminisce about their old days. With its intuitive interface, this impressive software allows you to organize and browse through your digital photo collection seamlessly. Importantly, it comes with a unique "film strip" view that makes it easy to view your pictures in batches. It also features a built-in image editor that lets you tweak your photos to perfection. Moreover, this software supports multiple image formats, including JPG, BMP, PNG, and GIF. Overall, Film.Strip.Explorer is a must-have software for anyone who loves organizing and viewing their digital photo collection.

Film.Strip.Explorer 0.99 full details

File Size: 559 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2020-04-01
Downloads: Total: 125 | This Month: 15
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Film.Strip.ExplorerFile & Disk ManagementWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Windows 8

User Rating: 3.0 (1 vote)

Film.Strip.Explorer - Windows 7 Download awards

Film.Strip.Explorer windows 7 compatible

Film.Strip.Explorer 0.99 full description

The filmstrip view is a very popular file view that does not exist in Windows 10. This program owes its functionality and range of functions to the Quad Explore Q-Dir. Non-advanced users at Q-Dir feel overwhelmed and will definitely be happy with the pure film strip explorer view. I have now implemented this on multiple user requests!

Film.Strip.Explorer 0.99 download tags

Film.Strip.Explorer 0.99 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
General improvements plus update of the language files in the folder size evaluation tool
Small fixes and retests for Windows 10 Build 2004 version 001c
[ Film.Strip.Explorer release history ]

Film.Strip.Explorer 0.99 Windows 7 requirements

200 Mhz

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