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Filtered Noise Generator for Windows 7 - Create customized noise easily. - Windows 7 Download

Filtered Noise Generator Windows 7

Filtered Noise Generator 1.11

"Indulge in ultimate serenity with Filtered Noise Generator. The modern solution for uninterrupted focus."

Looking for a reliable noise generator? Look no further than Filtered Noise Generator, a powerful software developed by Timo Esser. With its efficient filtering capabilities, this program produces high-quality noise perfect for sound engineers, musicians, and more. Whether you're creating new tracks or testing audio equipment, Filtered Noise Generator is an essential tool that won't let you down. Try it today and experience the difference it can make in your noise generation needs.

Filtered Noise Generator 1.11 full details

File Size: 819 kB
License: Trialware
Price: $28.00
Released: 2010-01-08
Downloads: Total: 566 | This Month: 14
Publisher: Timo Esser
Publisher URL:

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Filtered Noise GeneratorOtherWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.9 (24 votes)

Filtered Noise Generator - Windows 7 Download awards

Filtered Noise Generator windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award windows 7 download editor's pick

Filtered Noise Generator 1.11 full description

The Filtered Noise Generator (TTG) can generate noise signals and apply different frequency filters on them in real time. Applications are loudpspeaker or general audio testing, tinnitus masking, audio cross-over development, etc.
The Filtered Noise Generator can generate noise signals and apply different frequency filters on them in real time.
Practical applications of filtered noise are for example:

· Loudspeaker testing: When testing a loudspeaker, only the frequencies of the usable bandwidth should be applied. E.g., when testing a tweeter, you need a high passed signal.

· Tinnitus masking: Tinnitus appears usually in a very limited frequency band. With a band pass filter you can focus a masking signal onto this band.

· Cross-over simulation for speaker system development: Use a low pass filter on one channel and a high pass on the other. Then connect a woofer and tweeter to each, and you can simulate different cross-over frequencies and their effects with ease.

Signals created can be saved as a .WAV file in order to make an audio CD.
You can run scripts of noise signals and save memory pre-sets of noise parameters to disk.
The program supports multiple sound cards.

· White and pink noise signals with adjustable crest factor;
· Extensive scripting capabilities (Macros), dedicated Script Editor included; Preset storage and recall;
· Multi sound card support;
· Sampling frequency up to 96kHz;
· Separate amplitude modulation left/right;
· Switches for channel on/off and l/r phase;
· Save test tones as WAV files for Test CDs; Externally controllable (via Windows Messages)

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