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FilterPro Desktop for Windows 7 - "Enhance Audio: Download FilterPro Desktop" - Windows 7 Download

FilterPro Desktop Windows 7

FilterPro Desktop

Revamp your filter design with FilterPro Desktop - experience precision and efficiency.

Looking for a powerful and easy-to-use filter design software? Look no further than FilterPro Desktop from Texas Instruments Inc. Whether you're an experienced engineer or just getting started, this software provides the tools you need to design, analyze, and optimize filters for a broad range of applications. With its intuitive user interface and advanced simulation capabilities, FilterPro Desktop makes it easy to create complex filter designs that meet your exact specifications. So why wait? Download FilterPro Desktop today and take your filter design to the next level!

FilterPro Desktop full details

File Size: 11.50 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-05-15
Downloads: Total: 2027 | This Month: 6
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Publisher URL:

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User Rating: 2.4 (31 votes)

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FilterPro Desktop full description

FilterPro v3.1 active filter design software offers a new and improved user interface and a more accurate and robust active filter design engine, thanks to updates, such as ability to adjust passive element tolerances and view response variations; scale passive component values; and view and export filter performance data to Excel.

FilterPro active filter design tool allows designers to create and edit active filter designs easily using the Filter Design Wizard. Users can design multiple feedback (MFB), Sallen-Key, low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-stop filters using voltage feedback op amps. FilterPro v3.1 active filter design software is free and available for download now.

FilterPro v3.1 Active Filter Design Software offers the following features:

NEW Differential Multiple-Feedback topology for Low-pass, High-pass, and Band-pass filters
NEW Support for arbitrary passband ripple in Chebychev filters
NEW Corner frequency attenuation in Chebychev filters now accounts for passband ripple
Supports design file migration from FilterPro v2 so that designs created in the prior version can benefit from the functionality of v3.1.
Easily generate schematics, view frequency and time responses, and print professional design reports containing all design data and schematics to help speed time to market.
Supports Bessell, Butterworth, Chebychev, Gaussian and linear phase filter response types and can be used to design filters from one to ten poles, providing design flexibility.
Supports low-pass, high-pass, notch/band-stop, band-pass, and all-pass phase shift/time delay filters to help ease system design.

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