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Firebird Code Factory for Windows 7 - Powerful Firebird database manager. - Windows 7 Download

Firebird Code Factory Windows 7

Firebird Code Factory 17.4

"Streamline your Firebird development with Firebird Code Factory"

Welcome to the ultimate platform for developing Firebird database applications effortlessly - Firebird Code Factory by SQL Maestro Group! This powerful and easy-to-use software comes equipped with a range of innovative tools and features to make programming fun and simple. From SQL editors to visual object editors and schema extract tools, Firebird Code Factory offers everything you need to streamline your workflow and craft killer database apps with minimal effort. Download Firebird Code Factory now and take your coding expertise to the next level.

Firebird Code Factory 17.4 full details

File Size: 14.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $99.00
Released: 2017-04-10
Downloads: Total: 352 | This Month: 7
Publisher: SQL Maestro Group
Publisher URL:

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Firebird Code FactoryOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.4 (9 votes)

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Firebird Code Factory 17.4 full description

Firebird Code Factory is a premier SQL Server GUI tool aimed at the SQL queries and scripts development. Key features include: Visual Query Builder; handy SQL editor with code folding and syntax highlighting, simultaneous executing of several queries with multi-threading; data management features as viewing, editing, grouping, sorting and filtering to analyze the queries data in the most convenient way; data export/import to/from the most popular formats including Excel, HTML, XML, and more; powerful BLOB Viewer and Editor.

All in all, this application will offer you the possibility to easily create or edit queries and scripts that you need in your database development.


Visual Query Builder:
· Firebird Code Factory provides you with the powerful tool intended for designing queries as visual diagrams. This tool does not require any knowledge of the SELECT statement syntax, it will form a query automatically, you just need to mark what information you want to retrieve;

Handy SQL Editor:
· Firebird Code Factory supports SQL query syntax highlighting and code completion to prevent mistakes in syntax at once. Also it is possible to separate SQL scripts into regions that can be individually collapsed or expanded.

Simultaneous executing of several queries:
· Firebird Code Factory can execute each query in a separate thread in order to continue your work with the software while the query is executing.

Advanced data management:
· Queries data are represented in grids with all corresponding features as viewing, editing, grouping, sorting and filtering to analyze the data in the most convenient way.

Data export:
· Powerful tools for exporting data from Firebird tables and queries to most popular formats (MS Excel, MS Access, MS Word, HTML, XML, PDF) are at your disposal.

Data import:
· Firebird Code Factory import features were intended to simplify your everyday work. You can import data from MS Excel, MS Access, XML, DBF, TXT, CSV formats.

Powerful BLOB Viewer/Editor:
· With Firebird Code Factory you can view or edit BLOB data in the following ways: hexadecimal dump, plain text, graphical image or HTML page. A graphical representation of BLOB data supports five image formats: BMP, Windows metafile, JPEG, GIF and PNG.

Full customization according to your preferences and needs:
· In Firebird Code Factory you can customize the behavior of all its tools, select a user interface scheme and set a lot of other preferences.

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