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FireCMD for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize command-line with FireCMD" - Windows 7 Download

FireCMD Windows 7

FireCMD 1.2

"Revolutionize your command-line experience with FireCMD – Windows 7's ultimate shell replacement."

FireCMD by Brainasoft is the ultimate Windows command-line shell and console emulator. With support for multiple tabs, powerful scripting, and customizable appearance, FireCMD takes command-line user experience to a whole new level. Whether you're a system administrator or a power user, FireCMD will save you time and boost your productivity. Try it today!

FireCMD 1.2 full details

File Size: 16.11 MB
License: Demo
Price: $19.00
Released: 2013-04-23
Downloads: Total: 396 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Brainasoft
Publisher URL:

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FireCMDShell ToolsWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Win8

User Rating: 3.6 (19 votes)

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FireCMD 1.2 full description

FireCMD is a software package containing a set of tools such as command shell (command interpreter), console emulator, text editor and various other bundled programs. FireCMD command shell has features like command auto-completion, recursive aliases, command substitution using files, HTML and CSS support, file and directory path autocompletion etc. which makes it a next generation command shell. It also remembers command history and last working directory for next session. It has an user-friendly interface unlike the traditional console based command interpreters. FireCMD is an excellent tool for anyone who regularly has to interact with the Windows command line. FireCMD can be really helpful for developers and system administrators and it can increase your productivity. FireCMD makes human-computer interaction easier and user-friendly. FireCMD is an innovative product which provides a new interface called GCLI (Graphical Command Line Interface). GCLI is both powerful and user-friendly interface as it combines the features of CLI (Command Line Interface) and GUI (Graphical User Interface). FireCMD also allows you to run multiple command shells and console applications simultaneously in tabbed windows, including the FireCMD shell, CMD.exe, Bash, PowerShell, Cygwin, SQL*Plus etc. Moreover, you can also edit multiple text files simultaneously in FireTXT text editor.

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FireCMD is a software package containing a set of ... emulator, text editor and various other bundled programs. FireCMD command shell has features like command auto-completion, recursive ...
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