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flow Bubbles screensaver for Windows 7 - "Experience mesmerizing screen art with Flow Bubbles." - Windows 7 Download

flow Bubbles screensaver Windows 7

flow Bubbles screensaver 3.31

Transform your screen with Flow Bubbles screensaver.

"Transform your desktop into a calming and visually stunning environment with Flow Bubbles screensaver by pblsoft. Inspired by nature, this elegant screensaver features bubbles of various sizes and colors gently flowing across your screen, set to a tranquil soundscape. Fully customizable with easy-to-use settings, Flow Bubbles perfectly balances style and simplicity. Download now and add a touch of serenity to your day!"

flow Bubbles screensaver 3.31 full details

File Size: 1.13 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $10.00
Released: 2016-03-09
Downloads: Total: 5287 | This Month: 8
Publisher: pblsoft
Publisher URL:

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flow Bubbles screensaverScreen Savers: ArtWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista

User Rating: 3.4 (38 votes)

flow Bubbles screensaver - Windows 7 Download awards

flow Bubbles screensaver windows 7 compatible

flow Bubbles screensaver 3.31 full description

a screensaver, charming transparent bubbles flowing on the screen. you can replacement bubbles num, bubbles size, credentials picture. dulcet chime sound playing when the flowBubbles run. you can position pictures into bubbles The flowBubbles screensaver has options. 1. Bubbles num defines how many bubbles will disappear when screensaver run. 2. Bubble size defines the radius size of the bubbles. 3. Show Shadow defines if the bubbles have a shadow or not. 4. Sound Open defines if open the sound effect. the sound is play when bubbles crash together. 5. Picture settings defines the background image. You can use the default image, desktop image or select a picture as background.

flow Bubbles screensaver 3.31 download tags

flow Bubbles screensaver 3.31 Windows 7 requirements

upwards of Directx 7.0

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