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FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call for Windows 7 - "Boost productivity with FocusOS Blocker" - Windows 7 Download

FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call Windows 7

FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call 2.5

"Boost productivity with FocusOS Blocker - limit distractions from webpages, apps & calls."

Are you tired of constantly being distracted by social media notifications, emails, and phone calls? Look no further than FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call from Steffen Lippke. This software allows you to set specific blocks on websites, apps, and even incoming calls during designated times. Stay productive and focused with this innovative tool.

FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call 2.5 full details

File Size: 21.71 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $3.00
Released: 2022-02-10
Downloads: Total: 60 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Steffen Lippke
Publisher URL:

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FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, CallOffice Suites & ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

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FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call 2.5 full description

Looking for a way to increase your productivity while avoiding distractions? Look no further than FocusOS Blocker, the innovative software developed by Steffen Lippke. With its powerful blocking capabilities, FocusOS Blocker makes it easy to filter out annoying webpages, distracting apps, and unwanted calls. Its easy-to-use interface and customizable settings make it a breeze to set up and use, and it can be tailored to meet the unique needs of every user. Whether you're trying to stay focused on work, or simply looking to reduce distractions in your daily life, FocusOS Blocker is the ideal solution. So why wait? Download FocusOS Blocker today and start getting the most out of your time!

FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call 2.5 download tags

FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call 2.5 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
- Improve speed and security
- bug fixes to improve stability
[ FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call release history ]

FocusOS Blocker for Webpages, Apps, Call 2.5 Windows 7 requirements

Betriebssystem: Windows 10 (8u51 und höher), Windows 8.x (Desktop), Windows 7 SP1, Windows Vista SP2

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