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Folder Size for Windows 7 - "Discover Folder Size - Optimize Storage" - Windows 7 Download

Folder Size Windows 7

Folder Size

Get detailed folder sizes for optimal organization.

Folder Size is a powerful Windows 7 software tool developed by Mindgems Inc. that helps to manage your hard disk space efficiently. It quickly scans your computer and provides detailed information about the size of each folder and file, enabling you to easily identify and delete unnecessary data to free up space. The user-friendly interface and customizable settings make the software easy to use, even for novice users. With Folder Size you can improve your PC performance and avoid a cluttered and disorganized hard drive. Get organized and start managing your hard disk space like a pro with Folder Size.

Folder Size full details

File Size: 3.40 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-05-16
Downloads: Total: 33903 | This Month: 14
Publisher: Mindgems Inc.
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Folder SizeFile & Disk ManagementWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.0 (179 votes)

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Folder Size full description

Folder Size FREEWARE will analyze your hard drives and display the file and folder sizes so that you can easily check the distribution of your disk space. The application will display the sizes of the folders and files and also the percentage of the total disk size that they occupy. The neat report can be sorted in order to identify the largest folders and the largest files. You can easily figure out which files or folders have filled up your dive space as Folder Size will also scan the sizes of all the subfolders. The application can scan your entire hard drive in minutes due to its optimised scan algorithms. The progressive scan will let you continue the scan from the point of interruption.

Besides scanning an entire hard drive Folder Size can also scan a single folder in order to save time.

Folder Size is a powerful FREE utility that can scan and display all the file and folder sizes on your hard drives.

* Find and display all file and folder sizes.
* Scan entire storage device or a chosen folder
* Detailed information for all the files and folders listed in table:
o Name
o Folder size
o Size percentage from the parent folders size
o Files count inside the folder
o Subfolders count
o Creation time
o Last modification time
o Last access time Folder owner and group
* Sort option based on all the different criteria listed above - folder name, folder size etc.
* Option to rearrange the columns in the list in order to suit your preferences.
* Option to display the file and folder sizes in Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes or automatically determine the most appropriate size format.
* Locate selected folder or file in Windows Explorer via a context menu
* Show Windows folder or file properties dialog
* Delete folders or files.
* Open files with associated application using double click.
* Remove folders or files from the list in order to check the folder size after deleting the item.
* Support for all types of storage devices - hard drives, CDROM, USB Drives, Floppy disks
* Progressive scan. If you have stopped a scan it will continue form the point of interruption saving processing time. If you have removed items from the list consequential scan will be very quick by only updating the missing items.
* Easy Explorer-style navigation via Back, Forward and Folder Up tool buttons
* Detailed drive size information list including - total drive size, drive used space and drive free space.
* Intuitive Explorer-style user interface and rich documentation
* Largest files report - includes subfolders
* Largest folders report - includes subfolders
* Longest paths and file names report

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Folder Size users' reviews

Folder Size 2.9 review by Jack (Feb 7, 2013)
This tool is so cool...I deleted 100gb junk in less tan 10 minutes.

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