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Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition for Windows 7 - Revolutionize Your Analysis with Fourier Transform Lab - Windows 7 Download

Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition Windows 7

Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition 1.2

Unleash Your Inner Scientist with Fourier Transform Lab - Student Edition.

Discover the power of Fourier transforms with the Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition! Developed by JCrystalSoft, this software enables students to easily explore various signals and transform properties with a user-friendly interface. With its interactive capabilities, the Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition simplifies complex concepts and makes learning fun. Experience the benefits of this versatile software today!

Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition 1.2 full details

File Size: 6.90 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2018-01-10
Downloads: Total: 605 | This Month: 36
Publisher: JCrystalSoft
Publisher URL:

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Fourier Transform Lab Student EditionCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.6 (16 votes)

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Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition 1.2 full description

Fourier Transform Lab Student Edition is an advanced application designed for performing Fourier transformations, which can be useful in teaching Crystallography, since they are related to Optical Transforms (e.g. laser diffraction patterns). Furthermore one may get a quick hands-on experience with the usefulness of processing images in the frequency domain for certain band filters etc.


Forward & Inverse Fourier Transform
Low-Pass Filter
High-Pass Filter
Custom-Mask Filter (for removing Fourier peaks)
Image Histograms, Images may be dragged
Swap Phase Sets
Randomize / Discard FT Phases
Randomize / Discard FT Magnitudes
Easy Image Import (Load, Paste, Drag-Drop)
Basic Image Drawing Function (Freehand & Lattice)
Basic Scripting Functions
Extensive HTML Tutorial (Aubert, Lecomte)
VISTA-Ready by using accessible user folder
Three Fourier Java-Applets included
View FT Image line profile; More FT data export options
Zoomed FT Image (Alt-key); Three-column FT data export
New: Batch Processing & Image Saving
New: Manual FT brightness factor input

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