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Freelang Dictionary for Windows 7 - Powerful Multilingual Dictionary Software. - Windows 7 Download

Freelang Dictionary Windows 7

Freelang Dictionary

"Download a Multilingual Dictionary for Windows 7 - Enhance Your Language Skills!"

Freelang Dictionary is a top-rated software among language enthusiasts, providing an extensive library of dictionaries for over 40 languages. The program boasts a user-friendly interface, allowing effortless translation of words and phrases in any language. The customizable settings enable users to personalize the program, including font size, background color, and more. Whether you're a student, traveler, or language lover, Freelang Dictionary is a powerful tool for mastering foreign languages. Don't miss the opportunity to download this exceptional software today!

Freelang Dictionary full details

File Size: 2.21 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2015-07-23
Downloads: Total: 618 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Freelang
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Freelang DictionaryDictionariesWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.0 (4 votes)

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Freelang Dictionary windows 7 compatible

Freelang Dictionary full description

The Freelang Dictionary is an offline dictionary software. You download the program once, then you can add as many wordlists as you wish. Basically a wordlist is made of two columns, one language in each: Spanish-English, German-French, and so on. We have most of the main languages spoken, as well as many regional languages, and rare or endangered languages. You can easily switch from one language to another, or switch between several dictionaries. Hundreds of wordlists are available on our websites to download for free, mostly from/to English, from/to French and from/to Spanish. Once you have installed a wordlist, you can either browse it, or look up a word by typing its first letters. The lists are stored on your PC (or phone), so you don't need an Internet connection. You can also add words to the lists, delete some entries, modify existing entries, or create your own wordlists from scratch. If you created a new dictionary or if you updated an existing one, make sure you use the 'Tools/Send an update to Freelang' menu, so we can publish your work! Your name will be mentioned (unless you instruct us otherwise) and you will retain full copyright. The Freelang Dictionary also enables you to create personal practice lists, to practise your vocabulary. Just choose words from the main wordlist (manually or randomly) and they will be added to your practice list. If the 'automatic' option is on, the word will be displayed and then its translation, after a short delay, whereas in interactive mode, you have to type the translation yourself. You are not limited to one practice list, as you can manage several. The sound is also a powerful feature of our dictionary: you can record the entries or have them recorded, then play them. A few dictionaries have already been recorded and the sounds can be downloaded for free. Finally, you can customize the interface by choosing another colour, changing the logo or even translating the menus in your own language.

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Freelang Dictionary Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Bug fix release and support for right to left languages.
[ Freelang Dictionary release history ]

Freelang Dictionary Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP or above

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