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FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones for Windows 7 - "Transform data into art with FUGR" - Windows 7 Download

FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones Windows 7

FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones 1.10

"Experience intuitive function graphing with FUGR - Fungraf"

Are you struggling to understand graphical representations of mathematical functions? FUGR: Fungraf - Graficas de funciones is here to make your life easier! Developed by VaxaSoftware, this Windows 7 software is specifically designed for educational purposes, making it a must-have for students and teachers alike. With user-friendly features and easy-to-use tools, FUGR: Fungraf provides comprehensive yet simple graphical representations of functions for enhanced learning. Download it today and enjoy hassle-free education!

FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones 1.10 full details

File Size: 766 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $17.00
Released: 2023-02-01
Downloads: Total: 649 | This Month: 15
Publisher: VaxaSoftware
Publisher URL:

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FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funcionesMathematicsWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.5 (12 votes)

FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones - Windows 7 Download awards

FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones 1.10 full description

FUGR - Fungraf - Graficas de funciones matematicas en 2 dimensiones - 5 tipos de graficos de funciones: - Simples - A trozos - Parametricas - Polares - Multiples - Imprime y copia la grafica al portapapeles - 15 ejemplos predefinidos de graficos de funciones - Facil y comodo de usar - Manual de usuario en formato PDF

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