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Gene Runner for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize DNA Sequencing with Gene Runner" - Windows 7 Download

Gene Runner Windows 7

Gene Runner 6.5.49 Beta

"Streamline your molecular research with Gene Runner. Boost your productivity today."

Introducing Gene Runner, the ultimate software for molecular biology and genetic engineering. Developed by the renowned team of Michael Spruyt and Frank Buquicchio, this Windows 7 compatible program offers a range of powerful features for analyzing and manipulating DNA sequences. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive set of tools, Gene Runner simplifies complex tasks and guarantees accurate results. Whether you're a professional scientist or a student of genetics, this software is a must-have for your research toolkit. Try it now and discover the power of Gene Runner!

Gene Runner 6.5.49 Beta full details

File Size: 18.80 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2018-06-15
Downloads: Total: 312 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Michael Spruyt and Frank Buquicchio
Publisher URL:

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Gene RunnerCADWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.6 (9 votes)

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Gene Runner windows 7 compatible

Gene Runner 6.5.49 Beta full description

Gene Runner saves the information on Amino Acids in tables and this data is also be used with the 'Protein Analysis' functions, the 'Suppressor' and the 'Translation Tables'. This is required as Gene Runner will send an error message if the used Amino Acid is not defined in the said tables. In addition, all information concerning these elements is editable, so users can fully adjust their values. With the 'Oligo Analysis' function, users can select a small section, of twenty to thirty bases, click on the 'Oligo' button and obtain a detailed description of it, including all its properties.

The 'Sequencing and Hybridization Analysis' feature allows users to display the primer characteristics of the selected DNA portion, or discard certain types of primers.

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Gene Runner 6.5.49 Beta Windows 7 release notes

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