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Geogiga Front End for Windows 7 - Powerful geophysical data processing and interpretation. - Windows 7 Download

Geogiga Front End Windows 7

Geogiga Front End 9.0

"Revolutionize geophysical data analysis with Geogiga Front End."

Geogiga Front End from Geogiga Technology Corp. is the ultimate software for geophysical data processing and interpretation on Windows 7. With its advanced features, users can easily process data from various sources and ultimately produce accurate and detailed insights. Its easy-to-use interface and versatile functionality make it an essential tool for those in the geophysical industry. Boost your productivity and get the most out of your data with Geogiga Front End.

Geogiga Front End 9.0 full details

File Size: 6.02 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2019-10-02
Downloads: Total: 446 | This Month: 17
Publisher: Geogiga Technology Corp.
Publisher URL:

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Geogiga Front EndCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.6 (13 votes)

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Geogiga Front End 9.0 full description

Geogiga Front End is designed to QC and preprocess single shot record. You can convert data formats, analyze amplitude decay, correct trigger delay, assign geometry, mute seismic traces, run frequency filter, gain control, vertical stacking, and such. Some batch commands are available, such as the geometry assignment, seismic data resampling, and trigger delay correction.

Main Features:

Check and define geometry
Assign geometry in batches with the preview of layout chart
Analyze amplitude decay
Vertical stacking
Correct trigger delay
Pick first breaks
Swap traces
Shift a trace
Scale, mute, average, or reverse seismic traces inside/outside any shape of defined region
Gain control: automatic gain control (AGC), trace balance, and time variant scaling, etc.
Divergence correction and normalization
Butterworth and Ormsby filters with band pass, low pass, high pass, band reject, and notch options
Undo/Redo multi-step operations on seismic data
Resample and cut seismic data
Integrate multiple files
Support SEG-2, SEG-Y, SEG-D, ASCII, and other data formats
Convert other data formats to SEG-2, SEG-Y, or ASCII format
Display seismic data with many controls
Print and save seismic trace plotting

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