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German-English text-to-voice MT for Windows 7 - "German-English Text-to-voice Tool:
Speak Your Words Loud & Clear." - Windows 7 Download

German-English text-to-voice MT Windows 7

German-English text-to-voice MT 1.0

"Transform written words to spoken language with ease."

Looking for a reliable text-to-voice translation software? Look no further than German-English text-to-voice MT developed by Langsoft (Sprachlernmittel). This software allows for seamless translation with natural sounding accents. Say goodbye to clunky translations and hello to effortless communication. Get your hands on Langsoft's German-English text-to-voice MT now.

German-English text-to-voice MT 1.0 full details

File Size: 138.13 MB
License: Demo
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-06-22
Downloads: Total: 258 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Langsoft (Sprachlernmittel)
Publisher URL:

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German-English text-to-voice MTLanguagesWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 1.6 (11 votes)

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German-English text-to-voice MT windows 7 compatible

German-English text-to-voice MT 1.0 full description

German-English Text-to-Voice Machine Translation. Write in German, hear (and see) the translation in English. Our text to speech technology is based on whole words, phrases and concepts, not on phonemes and syllables, as is the case now. For example, the text to voice program will pronounce "fish" if one writes "herring", etc. Many individual words, such as prepositions, articles, etc. are pronounced as individual words. Many other individual words, such as names of important places and people are also pronounced as individual words. As such, these programs can be regarded as educational, with inherent possibility to use them in other fields. For example, when one cannot see the translation or when one cannot use, for some reason, an external program to read aloud the translation, in such situations as communication between ground and pilot. There are text to voice programs on the market, but there are no such programs that recognize the meaning of the word and work on the level of the concept. Besides, the existing programs can pronounce any nonsense you write and they need an external program to read aloud the translation. Our programs pronounce only words or meanings that exist in the language and do that immediately, with the translation. As such, our programs fully preserve the accent and the stress of the spoken word, while the existing programs cannot do that. In this version, alongside with the text-to-voice bilingual translation we have given an example of simultaneous text-to-video translation, applicable to all languages. Important: The software program cannot be downloaded with every browser. The software program can be downloaded, as yet, only with Baidu Browser, downloadable at: homepage

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