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GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth for Windows 7 - "Transform Your Windows 7 Experience with TouchSpace Synth!" - Windows 7 Download

GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth Windows 7

GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth 1.2.0

Revolutionize your audio experience with GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth. Explore limitless creativity.

Introducing GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth, a cutting-edge software developed by GiMeSpace exclusively for Windows 7. Seamlessly combining innovation and creativity, this virtual synthesizer enables users to unleash their musical genius with ease. Craft mesmerizing melodies, experiment with an extensive library of sounds, and engage in limitless sonic exploration. Experience the ultimate joy of creating music right at your fingertips and embark on an auditory adventure like never before. Download GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth today, and let your imagination take the spotlight.

GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth 1.2.0 full details

File Size: 2.01 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $15.00
Released: 2022-03-01
Downloads: Total: 77 | This Month: 8
Publisher: GiMeSpace
Publisher URL:

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GiMeSpace TouchSpace SynthMusic ComposersWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.0 (2 votes)

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GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth windows 7 compatible

GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth 1.2.0 full description

Welcome to the ultimate destination for all things Windows 7 software! Here, we present to you the magnificent GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth, a groundbreaking creation by the brilliant minds at GiMeSpace. Designed to unleash your musical talents, this software offers a remarkable touch-sensitive synthesizer experience like no other. Seamlessly integrated with Windows 7, TouchSpace Synth allows you to effortlessly explore an infinite world of sound and unleash your creativity. With its intuitive user interface and extensive range of customizable options, this software empowers musicians and enthusiasts alike to compose, edit, and play melodies that resonate with their unique style. Prepare to embark on a melodious journey with GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth, revolutionizing the way you create music on your Windows 7 system.

GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth 1.2.0 download tags

GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth 1.2.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Better detection mechanism for your hand movements in front of your webcam.
[ GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth release history ]

GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth 1.2.0 Windows 7 requirements

dual core CPU with SSE3, windows 7 or later, webcam or touchscreen recommended

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