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Global Mapper for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize GIS with Global Mapper." - Windows 7 Download

Global Mapper Windows 7

Global Mapper 25.1

Discover the ultimate mapping software for Windows 7. Download Global Mapper today.

Welcome to the page for "Global Mapper," the ultimate tool for mapping and geographic analysis. Developed by Blue Marble Geographics, this cutting-edge software has everything you need to create detailed maps and conduct spatial analysis, all with a user-friendly interface. With seamless integration with popular GIS systems and a wide range of data formats supported, "Global Mapper" is the perfect choice for professionals in industries from mineral exploration to environmental management. Download "Global Mapper" today and unlock the potential of your data.

Global Mapper 25.1 full details

File Size: 184.00 MB
License: Demo
Price: $499.00
Released: 2024-02-15
Downloads: Total: 5994 | This Month: 31
Publisher: Blue Marble Geographics
Publisher URL:

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Global MapperOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.9 (39 votes)

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Global Mapper 25.1 full description

Global Mapper is more than just a utility; it has built in functionality for distance and area calculations, raster blending, feathering, spectral analysis and contrast adjustment, elevation querying, line of sight calculations, cut-and-fill volume calculations, as well as advanced capabilities like image rectification, contour generation from surface data, view shed analysis (including Fresnel) from surface data, watershed delineation, terrain layer comparison (including differencing), and triangulation and gridding of 3D point data. Repetitive tasks can be accomplished using the built in scripting language or comprehensive batch conversion functionality.

Have you ever received a dataset that does not match the projection of your current project? Simply load the dataset into Global Mapper, change the projection, and save the file to match your coordinate system. If the dataset is larger than the area you are interested in, export the data using the crop feature and change the projection and format of the data at the same time.

Your data files can be loaded as layers, for example a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be loaded with a scanned topographical map to create a 3D view of the map. A digital aerial image can be draped on the surface together with vector contour mapping to create a stunning and informative graphic. The results can be printed, or the workspace can be exported to a high resolution raster image for use in a presentation or report.


Provides direct access to DigitalGlobe high resolution color imagery and detailed street maps for the entire world from within the application!

Provides direct access to the complete TerraServer-USA satellite imagery and topographic map archive for the entire US free-of-charge within the application!

Provides easy, direct access to WMS data sources, including built-in access to the complete 30-m NED database, the 3-arc second world SRTM database, and color global Landsat imagery free-of-charge within the application!
Supports true 3D viewing of loaded elevation and 3D vector data including draping of any loaded imagery and vector data over the 3D surface.

Crop, reproject, and merge/mosaic any combination of raster data and elevation data, including DRGs. You can also crop data to an area feature. Data will automatically mosaic into the correct location relative to each other using positioning information associated with the data.

GeoPDF® SUPPORT! You can import GeoPDF® files and export any collection of loaded data to new Geo-enabled PDF files, making your data accessible to any user without requiring them to have any mapping knowledge.

DIGITIZING SUPPORT! You can digitize new vector (area, line, and point) features by drawing them with the mouse. You can also edit existing vector features. Newly created and editing features can be saved to any of the supported export formats. In addition, shapes like rectangles, circles, ellipses, arcs, buffers around existing features, and concentric range rings can be easily created as well. You can also input features via a series of distance/bearing/COGO coordinates.

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Global Mapper users' reviews

Global Mapper 19.1 b021218 review by garci (Apr 7, 2018)
THIS LOGICIAL helpes me in my studies geographics

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Global Mapper is more than just a utility; it has ... your current project? Simply load the dataset into Global Mapper, change the projection, and save the file ...
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