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GlyphViewer full changelog

GlyphViewer full changelog

GlyphViewer 2.0.0 released Mar 1, 2015 (Major Update)
Translate your images and scanned PDF files, annotate and edit them, preserve the original layout, font and color.
- PDF support, including editing and annotate, and HTML export.
- 800+ ancient symbols, 10,000 Egyptian Hieroglyphs words.
- improved user accessibility and performance.
GlyphViewer 1.4.0 released Sep 1, 2014 (Major Update)
NEW!: Added Egyptian Dictionary to be able to quickly use ancient words. Get noticed faster through Image SEO. Recognize text in images, build translations and export into HTML format. GlyphViewer is the first application that allows you to recognize and translate Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
GlyphViewer 1.3.0 released Sep 1, 2014 (Major Update)
NEW!: Added Egyptian Dictionary to be able to quickly use ancient words. Get noticed faster through Image SEO. Recognize text in images, build translations and export into HTML format. GlyphViewer is the first application that allows you to recognize and translate Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
GlyphViewer 1.2.0 released May 1, 2014 (Major Update)
NEW!: Added Egyptian Dictionary to be able to quickly use ancient words. Get noticed faster through Image SEO. Recognize text in images, build translations and export into HTML format. GlyphViewer is the first application that allows you to recognize and translate Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
GlyphViewer 1.1.0 released Dec 31, 2013 (Major Update)
Get noticed faster through Image SEO. Recognize text in images, build translations and export into HTML format. Enjoy unlocking both Modern and Ancient secrets! GlyphViewer is the first application that allows you to recognize and translate Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
GlyphViewer 1.0.17 released Dec 31, 2013 (New Release)
Includes OCR engines for most European Languages, such as English, German, French, Asian Languages, Chinese, Japanese as well as some African languages such as Hebrew or Arabic. Also the Ancient Hieroglyphs support has been improved.
GlyphViewer 1.0.16 released May 13, 2013 (New Release)
Includes OCR engines for most European Languages, such as English, German, French, Asian Languages, Chinese, Japanese as well as some African languages such as Hebrew or Arabic. Also the Ancient Hieroglyphs support has been improved.

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