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Hardware Inspector Service Desk for Windows 7 - "Streamline IT Help Desk: Hardware Management" - Windows 7 Download

Hardware Inspector Service Desk Windows 7

Hardware Inspector Service Desk 1.0

"The ultimate solution for hardware management - streamline your IT support with Hardware Inspector Service Desk."

Introducing Hardware Inspector Service Desk, the ultimate solution for managing your IT infrastructure. Developed by Database Harbor Software, this software provides top-notch maintenance and support for enterprises of all sizes. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it can handle all your hardware and software inventory needs, as well as service requests and asset tracking. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing your IT infrastructure and upgrade to Hardware Inspector Service Desk today!

Hardware Inspector Service Desk 1.0 full details

File Size: 6.74 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $129.00
Released: 2009-06-20
Downloads: Total: 623 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Database Harbor Software
Publisher URL:

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Hardware Inspector Service DeskHelpdesk & Remote PCWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.9 (21 votes)

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Hardware Inspector Service Desk windows 7 compatible

Hardware Inspector Service Desk 1.0 full description

Hardware Inspector Service Desk is a valuable extension for Hardware Inspector and Hardware Inspector Client/Server, the all-in-one tools for computer inventory and management from Database Harbor Software. It is a web interface which provides effective communication between a user and a supporter. It helps users register on their own and submit their requests directly from their workplaces, which significantly shortens response-time from the support team and incident solution. One request per problem is advised: as soon as the problem is solved the request can be closed and linked to the maintenance history of a workplace, device or license, which in its turn is a valuable data source for reporting on performance of the Service Desk staff and reliability of particular assets. Each request contains the history of messages and file attachments. The multi criteria filter allows users to sort requests by various parameters. Hardware Inspector Service Desk is fully customizable. Administrators can change values of request parameters and specify which parameters are available for users: urgency, deadline, request type, etc. It provides for a large variety of support policies in organizations. The program features automated assignment of responsibilities for request processing. Administrators can assign a request to either a user with supporter's rights or a support group. So when a user selects a request type, the responsibilities are automatically assigned. Another feature is mailing notifications about new requests and changes in request which keep the support team posted on request statuses. The built-in mechanisms manage the mailing list: notifications are sent if a person has the right to receive notifications and if such person is responsible for a request. If there is no responsible person notifications are sent to all supporters in the organization to prevent the possibility of "lost" requests.

Hardware Inspector Service Desk 1.0 download tags

Hardware Inspector Service Desk 1.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Key changes in this version:

* Automated assignment of responsibilities to supporters and support groups.
* Customizable request parameters.
* File attachments.
* Notifications about changes in requests.
* Close follow up on requests.
* Access permission.
* Self registration.
[ Hardware Inspector Service Desk release history ]

Hardware Inspector Service Desk 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium 133/64RAM

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