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Heatsoft Clone Cleaner for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Your System with Clone Cleaner" - Windows 7 Download

Heatsoft Clone Cleaner Windows 7

Heatsoft Clone Cleaner 2016

"Transform your computer with Heatsoft's Clone Cleaner software - streamline and optimize your files today."

Looking for a fast and reliable way to clean up redundant files and recover valuable disk space on your computer? Look no further than Heatsoft Clone Cleaner – the ultimate software solution for your Windows 7 operating system. Developed by Heatsoft Corporation, this innovative program scans your hard drive for duplicate files, empty folders, and other unnecessary items, making it easy to remove them and optimize your system’s performance. Whether you’re a home user or a professional IT technician, Heatsoft Clone Cleaner has the tools you need to keep your computer running smoothly and efficiently. So why wait? Download it today and start cleaning up your PC in no time!

Heatsoft Clone Cleaner 2016 full details

File Size: 2.38 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $32.92
Released: 2016-12-31
Downloads: Total: 91 | This Month: 15
Publisher: Heatsoft Corporation
Publisher URL:

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Heatsoft Clone CleanerFile & Disk ManagementWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.0 (4 votes)

Heatsoft Clone Cleaner - Windows 7 Download awards

Heatsoft Clone Cleaner windows 7 compatible

Heatsoft Clone Cleaner 2016 full description

Clone Cleaner Pro 2016, a handy Windows utility that helps keep PC clean by locating duplicate files according to variety of user-specified parameters and copy, move or remove files with same name, same size, same content on local computer or network computers. Clone Cleaner Pro can examine multiple paths or drives, even across a network. Detailed search criterias accelerate a search by filtering files by name, size, modified date, attributes and allow excluding certain folders. User can save search parameters for future use. The program performs a duplicate search in two stages: scanning search scope to obtain files that fit search criterias, and comparing content of files with the same sizes. Scanning results displays files with same name, same size, same name and size, and zero size files. This allows quickly estimating how long would take true byte-to-byte content comparison of files. Comparing content results show files that are truly duplicates, and files which are identical to each other despite having different filenames. Search results are arranged in an easy-to-read, color-coded list that displays info for filename, path, size, and modified date. Clone Cleaner Pro divides found duplicates into groups that help easily navigate results. Unique smart marking feature allows to keep files in particular locations and guarantee that their duplicates will be removed from elsewhere. Smart marking offers to divide duplicates paths into To Keep and To Clean areas. To Keep area protects files in specified folders. Files in To Clean area which have duplicates in To Keep are identified as candidates for deletion. This sophisticated tool allows to select unwanted duplicate files easily, almost automatically. Delete preview allows to re-arrange removing files by path, file name, size, and modified date. As well as it allows to exclude certain files by path or filename pattern. All the program activities are stored into log files.

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Heatsoft Clone Cleaner 2016 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Compatibility with Windows 8 and Windows 10.
[ Heatsoft Clone Cleaner release history ]

Heatsoft Clone Cleaner 2016 Windows 7 requirements


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