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Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter for Windows 7 - Convert Hindi Unicode to ANSI with ease. - Windows 7 Download

Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter Windows 7

Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter

Easily convert Hindi Unicode to ANSI with this powerful software.

Looking for a reliable solution to convert Hindi Unicode text to ANSI format? Look no further than "Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter" developed by The Sky Soft. This innovative software offers a simple, streamlined approach to converting your Hindi text, allowing you to easily switch between Unicode and ANSI formats without losing important characters or formatting. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, this software is an essential tool for anyone working with Hindi text on a regular basis. So why wait? Download "Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter" today and start converting with confidence!

Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter full details

File Size: 1.26 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $49.95
Released: 2016-11-21
Downloads: Total: 306 | This Month: 8
Publisher: The Sky Soft
Publisher URL:

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Hindi Unicode to ANSI ConverterOffice Suites & ToolsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.7 (19 votes)

Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter - Windows 7 Download awards

Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter windows 7 compatible

Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter full description

Hindi Unicode To ANSI Converter is a remarkable Font converting tool for Devnagri scripts like Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Maithili, Nepali, Konkani etc. The tool has been developed to help in converting text in Unicode font to ANSI font of Devnagri scripts. USP of the tool is high processing speed. It can process hundreds of pages of text at one go. The software is very simple to use. User needs just a few clicks of the mouse to carry out conversion tasks. The software has been equipped with innovative features to make conversion process fast and easy. One such feature is leaving out English text in the document unchanged. This feature has been provided specifically keeping in mind the trend of English text usage in other language documents worldwide. The tool can be used to convert font in different Devnagri scripts like Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Maithili, Nepali, Konkani etc. with similar ease. Tool is particularly useful for DTP operators and printers as many DTP softwares like Pagemaker/Illustrator don’t support Unicode font. If the user is unable to put the text in Unicode font in Page Maker for typesetting this software can be very helpful. For this user just simply needs to convert Unicode to ANSI font and typeset it with ease. For conversion tasks user needs to first select RTF/TXT file in which font needs to be converted and click ‘Start Conversion’ button to convert font. Thereafter converted text simply needs to be saved in RFT/TXT format. Utility of font converters for Devnagri scripts is immense in present scenario. Advent of Indian language websites has given rise to the need for such converter tools. Large amount of web content is being developed in addition to content for print media in Indian languages. Almost all content for print media is being developed on computer systems now. This necessitates use of converter tools. Converters adept at converting DevLys to Unicode, Mangal to DevLys, Shusha to Mangal, Unicode to kruti dev, Mangal to kruti.

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Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter Windows 7 requirements

512 MB of RAM

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