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HS Date Reminder for Windows 7 - HS Date Reminder: Always be on time. - Windows 7 Download

HS Date Reminder Windows 7

HS Date Reminder 3.38

"Never forget a birthday or important event with HS Date Reminder - the ultimate Windows 7 software solution."

HS Date Reminder is a Windows 7 software developed by the renowned Horst Schaeffer, designed to help users manage and remember important dates. With a user-friendly interface, this app allows you to create customizable reminders for birthdays, appointments, and other events. You can view upcoming events at a glance, and the program automatically adds recurring events. It runs silently in the background, making sure you never miss a special day again. HS Date Reminder is an essential tool that simplifies your life and helps you stay organized. Get it now and never forget a date again!

HS Date Reminder 3.38 full details

File Size: 164 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-02-01
Downloads: Total: 1913 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Horst Schaeffer
Publisher URL:

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HS Date ReminderOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.1 (23 votes)

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HS Date Reminder 3.38 full description

Date Reminder reminds you of recurring or nonrecurring events, like birthdays, bills to pay, appointments etc...
The program can be run from the Startup folder with an option to show only, if there are any alerts for this day. If Date Reminder is kept in the System Tray (optional), if will also alert you after standby or hybernation.

The reminders are listed in chronological order, with recurring events showing only once (the next one). This gives you an instant view of the alerts (at top), as well as a full list of all reminders. Other view modes: Alerts only, History.


Events may recur every year, month, week, day, or every 10 days, every 2 weeks, every 3 month etc.

For monthly or annual reminders you can preselect a specific day (e.g. "first monday") of the month

Reminders can be marked "done", i.e. "dealt with". Past events will remain in the list until they are marked "done".

An advance notice marker can be set a number of days before an event.

An extra calendar box, sizable for one or more month, always highlights the date of the currently selected line.

Second text line with launching capability (shows in status bar):
Double click to load a file, program, website etc., or just use it for additional text.

Date format according to the user's regional settings (a different format can be specified in the INI file).

The user interface is controlled by language files. English (default) and some other languages are included. Custom language files can be created.

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