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Icon Software for Windows 7 - "Revamp Your Desktop with Icon Software" - Windows 7 Download

Icon Software Windows 7

Icon Software 5.45

"Enhance your desktop with stunning icons – download Icon Software!"

Introducing "Icon Software" - a must-have tool for every Windows 7 user! Made by the esteemed developers at IconUtils, this software offers high-quality icons in various sizes and styles to spruce up your desktop, applications, and websites. With easy customization options and a simple interface, creating icons has never been easier. Say goodbye to dull icons and download Icon Software now!

Icon Software 5.45 full details

File Size: 6.75 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.95
Released: 2014-07-20
Downloads: Total: 440 | This Month: 9
Publisher: IconUtils
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Icon SoftwareIcon ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Wi

User Rating: 2.8 (42 votes)

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Icon Software windows 7 compatible

Icon Software 5.45 full description

Icon Software provides great opportunities for working with Windows 8/7/Vista/XP icons. You will be able to handle Windows 7 Icons with ease. In order to make Windows 7 icons compatible with Windows XP you can save them without any compression. Vista Icons introduce a new style of iconography that brings a higher level of detail and sophistication to Windows imagery. First, the style of Windows Aero-style icons is more realistic than illustrative, but not quite photorealistic. The icons are symbolic images - they should look better than photorealistic. Second, icons have a maximum size of 256 x 256, making them suitable for high-DPI displays. These high-resolution icons allow for high visual quality in list views with large icons. Finally, wherever practical, fixed document icons are replaced by thumbnails of the content, making documents easier to identify and find. Thus, Icon Software is a beeline to refining the visuals of your program and making it more communicative for users. A picture of a maximum size of 256 x 256 to be used as an icon, in principle, is supported by XP, yet such an icon occupies 400Kb of disk space, which is far more than standard 25Kb of an XP icon. IconUtils has again found a way to cast off these shackles: Icon Software uses advanced PNG compression to save images without losses and supports semitransparent images with 8bit alpha channel. That technology reduces the size of an icon only, leaving the quality invariable. Icon Software will help you to obtain the modern Windows 7 look. All you need is just to redesign your program's most prominent icons to use the Aero-style. From this time onwards Vista Icons crafted by Icon Software will strongly impact users' overall impression of your programs' visual design. Icon Software will improve the usability of your software by making programs, objects, and actions easier to identify and find.

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Icon Software 5.45 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Updated: Splash screen
[ Icon Software release history ]

Icon Software 5.45 Windows 7 requirements

64MB RAM, Pentium-333 MHz, 4MB Hard Disk, True Color video mode

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