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IconCool Editor for Windows 7 - "Design stunning icons with IconCool Editor." - Windows 7 Download

IconCool Editor Windows 7

IconCool Editor 6.33 B140506

"Transform Your Icons With IconCool Editor: The Ultimate Design Tool"

Looking for a powerful yet easy-to-use icon editing tool? Look no further than IconCool Editor from Newera Software Technology! With its intuitive interface and comprehensive features, this software is a must-have for any designer or developer. From creating custom icons to editing existing ones, IconCool Editor has everything you need to create stunning icon designs that stand out. So why wait? Download IconCool Editor today and start creating the icons of your dreams!

IconCool Editor 6.33 B140506 full details

File Size: 11.70 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2017-01-02
Downloads: Total: 110 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Newera Software Technology Inc.
Publisher URL:

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IconCool EditorIconsWindows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 1.0 (1 vote)

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IconCool Editor 6.33 B140506 full description

IconCool Editor is an easy-to-use and powerful icon editor to edit icons, cursors and web graphics. It comes with all the functions for creating and editing ICO, CUR, ANI, ICL, GIF, JPG and WBMP image files. In addition, it offers more than 50 image filters as well as 20 image effects. With this free icon maker software, you can convert images in 25 formats to icons easily, you can extract icons from EXE, DLL, ICL or OCX and then edit or re-save them.


Support extracting icons and re-saving:
IconCool Editor can extract icons from EXE, DLL, ICL and other files, and send the extracted icons to the edit area for modifying, then save them back.

Images effects and filters:
IconCool Editor has 50 image filters, including Blurring, Sharpening, Embossing, Diffusing, Color Balance, and more.
IconCool Editor has 20 image effects, including Linear Gradient, Wave, Noise, Arbitrary Rotation, and more.

Support varied gradients:
IconCool Editor supports Linear Gradient, Rectangular Gradient, Filled Rectangular Gradient, Radial Gradient and Filled Radial Gradient effects, supporting 76 groups of sample colors. You can also customize 24 groups of colors by yourself!
You can easily print text in your icons.
You can use gradient effects to print text in any icon.

Support ANI animation cursors:
IconCool Editor has a convenient tool to build or modify ANI animation cursors.
For each icon, IconCool Editor has 100-level Undo/Redo functions.

Support 25 image formats:
Editor can open the following image formats: BMP; DIB; EMF; GIF; ICB; ICO; JPG; JPEG; PBM; PCD; PCX; PGM; PNG; PPM; PSD; PSP; RLE; SGI; TGA; TIF; TIFF; VDA; VST; WBMP; WMF; ICL; EXE; DLL and so on.
IconCool Editor can save icons or images as the following formats: ICO; CUR; ICL; ANI; BMP; GIF; JPG; PNG and WBMP.

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