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IconCool GIF Animator for Windows 7 - Create animated GIFs easily! - Windows 7 Download

IconCool GIF Animator Windows 7

IconCool GIF Animator 5.81 B80827

"Create eye-catching animated GIFs with ease using IconCool GIF Animator."

IconCool GIF Animator is a powerful software that allows you to create, edit and optimize animated GIF images with ease. Developed by Newera Software Technology Inc., this software is packed with user-friendly features that make it perfect for both novices and professionals. With a range of editing tools and effects, you can create stunning animations in minutes. The software's intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and use, ensuring that you can get the most out of it straight away. Whether you're looking to create GIFs for personal or professional use, IconCool GIF Animator is the perfect tool for the job.

IconCool GIF Animator 5.81 B80827 full details

File Size: 19.40 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-02-17
Downloads: Total: 490 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Newera Software Technology Inc.
Publisher URL:

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IconCool GIF AnimatorEditorsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.3 (16 votes)

IconCool GIF Animator - Windows 7 Download awards

IconCool GIF Animator windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

IconCool GIF Animator 5.81 B80827 full description

IconCool GIF Animator is a professional and easy-to-use GIF animation software tool. It can create animated GIF banners, buttons and any other pictures for your web sites easily. IconCool GIF Animator can export animation in animated GIF, AVI, MPEG, FLI, FLC as well as SWF formats.

IconCool GIF Animator 5.81 B80827 download tags

IconCool GIF Animator 5.81 B80827 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· Powerful function for operating marquee
· IconCool Studio 5 has added Rectangular Marquee Tool, Ellipse Marquee Tool and Polygonal Lasso Marquee Tool. These functions are similar to Adobe PhotoShop without limiting the limitation of the Rectangular Marquee for operating selection in the icon editing software. You can use them to make some powerful and convenient operations, such as move, fill, filter, etc.
· Convenient tool for making lighting effect
· IconCool Studio 5 has a special lighting effect tool in the drawing tools that enables you to add lighting effect for images easily.
· Make different states of icons quickly
· IconCool Studio 5 has a function for creating 3 different states automatically for current icon which is being edited. The software will create Lighter(active), Current Pick(valid) and Gray Scale(invalid). Use this to make a suit of software toolbar buttons with ease.
· Visible filter operation
[ IconCool GIF Animator release history ]

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