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Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys for Windows 7 - "Express Emotions with Vector Smileys" - Windows 7 Download

Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys Windows 7

Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys 1.0

"Get expressive with Vector Smileys, adding fun to your Windows 7 experience."

Looking for a way to add some personality to your digital creations? Look no further than Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys software! This innovative program developed by Icons-Land allows you to access a wide range of high-quality, fully customizable smileys to add to your digital designs. Whether you're creating a website, designing a social media ad, or putting together a presentation, the Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys software is the perfect tool to take your creations to the next level. With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, this software is a must-have for any aspiring digital creator. Download it today and get started expressing yourself like never before!

Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys 1.0 full details

File Size: 3.21 MB
License: Demo
Price: $90.00
Released: 2014-09-24
Downloads: Total: 188 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Icons-Land
Publisher URL:

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Icons-Land Vector Multiple SmileysIconsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Mac OS X, Windows 8, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8, Windows RT, iOS

User Rating: 3.4 (12 votes)

Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys - Windows 7 Download awards

Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys windows 7 compatible

Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys 1.0 full description

500 unique vector emoticons that depict 25 characters in 20 emotions for expressing mood, rating, status. Could be used in forum, blog, instant messenger, email or any communication tool. Each emoticon is provided in .AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. Characters: Angel, Auto, Beer, Bomb, Boy, Cat, Clown, Devil, Emoticon, Fish, Flower, Ghost, Girl, Heart, Monster, Piggy, Pirate, Pumpkin, Rabbit, Santa Claus, Soccer Ball, Strawberry, Sun, Teddy Bear, Viking. Emotions: Adore, Angry, Beaten, Cool, Cry, Dizzy, Impish, Laugh, Money, Movie, Nerd, Sad, Shock, Shy, Sick, Sleep, Smile, Stars, Stop Talking, Wink.

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Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys 1.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Icon set created.
[ Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys release history ]

Icons-Land Vector Multiple Smileys 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

.AI (Adobe Illustrator) files support

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