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IDEAL Dispatch full changelog

IDEAL Dispatch full changelog

IDEAL Dispatch 9.71 released May 20, 2019 (New Release)
Message Action: New management allowing a display in the foreground of the message regardless of the operating system and software running (from Vista and +). In this way, the message sent on the client computers is necessarily visible to theuser.
Default setting of the Local Execution option when adding new actions for: Executable, Software Update, MSI and VBScript.
This parameter was modified after the observation that several recent software nolonger allowed a remote installation.
Software Update Action: Automatic use of the WUSA.EXE tool for executing updates (.MSU files).
Automatic and silent uninstalling of 64-bit software.
Ability to customize the command to uninstall software in silent mode.
Default silent mode setting (/QN) when creating a MSI action.
Ability to customize the MSI command: Settings button, Settings tab, Command-Line properties field.
Ability to customize the VBScript command: New Additional Arguments field.
IDEAL Dispatch 8.2.1 released Jul 4, 2014 (New Release)
Distribution management:
Improvement of the "Scheduled distributions".
Improvement of the computer management with Active Directory (working without NETBIOS).
Added an execution option allowing to define the authentication mode for the administrator account (interactive, batch or service).
"MSI" action: improvement of the "TRANSFORM" option and MST (.mst) files management.
"Send a message" action: improvement of the automatic close timer.
"File" action: improvement of the file path management when using "local copy".
Graphic interface:
Improvement and standardization of the different visual components.
Added the possibility to remove distribution by pressing the "DEL" key on the keyboard.
Display the latest news in the update dialog
License management:
Improvement of the "Licence history" function, allowing to show the computers using the same license key.
Some modifications and minor corrections.
Updated FAQs and software documentation.
IDEAL Dispatch 7.1.2 released May 24, 2013 (New Release)

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