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IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac for Windows 7 - IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing: Win/Mac powerhouse. - Windows 7 Download

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac Windows 7

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac

Experience seamless digital publishing with IHDP Win/Mac.

Welcome to the world of IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac, a software designed to revolutionize the way people publish their content. Developed by InHouse Digital Publishing, this software is a game-changer for anyone who wants to create, publish and distribute digital content with ease. With IHDP, users can create interactive digital publications, flipbooks, catalogs, and more, quickly and efficiently. Compatible with both Windows 7 and Mac operating systems, IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing is your go-to solution for all your digital publishing needs. Try it today and experience the future of publishing.

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac full details

File Size: 59.98 MB
License: Demo
Price: $1499.00
Released: 2018-09-18
Downloads: Total: 236 | This Month: 11
Publisher: InHouse Digital Publishing
Publisher URL:

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IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/MacPresentation ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.4 (5 votes)

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac - Windows 7 Download awards

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac windows 7 compatible

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac full description

Digital Publishing Software - IHDP Page Flip Software Solution. Take PDF file and turn it into an online flip book fully customizable with embedded audio/video, hyperlinks, and your own company logo for emailing and your website. Be in full control of your creative process. Save on printing costs and be environmentally friendly. Capture statistics and reach a wider audience. This is the next step in online publishing. You will receive full technical support and upgrades for a full year with your lifetime license purchase. From concept to completion, you will be albe to Create It, Host It, and Own It. We are the only software you can own that incorporate vector graphic technology and a translation feature. This means that you will be able to have unlimited zoom with crystal clear text. We also have a drop down table of contents, and the ability to embed links even after the pdf has been processed. Never pay another service fee, or have to wait for any changes. You can create an unlimited number of publications, make an unlimited number of changes, whenever, and however you need to. If you need to create online digital flip book publications, and that is certainly where the industry is heading, then In House Digital Publishing is the solution for you.

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac download tags

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac Windows 7 release notes

New Release
HTML 5.0/ Works on Mac and PC/ Viewer across all devices (iPad, iPhone, Android)/ Integrated with subscription system / User friendly UI/ Life Time License/ Embedding Animation, Video, and Audio/ SEO/ Auto Update / Vector Graphics / Translate / Improved Search / Introduction Page / Quick View Screen
[ IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac release history ]

IHDP InHouse Digital Publishing Win/Mac Windows 7 requirements

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