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ImageFinder for Windows 7 - Discover ImageFinder: search tool for stunning images. - Windows 7 Download

ImageFinder Windows 7

ImageFinder 1.005

"Discover hidden gems with ImageFinder – your tool for effortless image search."

Are you tired of scrolling through endless folders to find a specific image? Look no further than ImageFinder, developed by the brilliant mind of Kurt Zimmermann. This user-friendly software allows you to search for images by various criteria, including file type and creation date. Its lightning-fast search engine makes finding that one elusive picture a breeze. Say goodbye to the frustration of manual searching and download ImageFinder today.

ImageFinder 1.005 full details

File Size: 911 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-10-04
Downloads: Total: 62 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Kurt Zimmermann
Publisher URL:

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ImageFinderOtherWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

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ImageFinder 1.005 full description

Program for finding and removing identical and similar images from your computer.

Quick search for similar images
ImageFinder can operate in two modes - find absolutely identical pictures and find similar images. In the first case, the duplicate picture remover searches for completely identical images. In the second case, the application similar image finder searches for images which are different, but are basically the same images. For example, it may be two images from the same image but of different size or dimensions or different shades of color, and so on.

Preview of duplicate images
All duplicate images can be previewed as thumbnails and can be sorted by Size, Name, creation Date, Modification date or Dimensions.

Find Similar & Identical Images with ease
Choose if you want to search for similar or identical Images, select the folders you want to search and set the customization level for similar images and then launch your scan.

Scan files in different formats
With ImageFinder can even find similar images that have been saved in different formats such as BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, and many others.

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ImageFinder 1.005 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Small Bugfixes.
[ ImageFinder release history ]

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ImageFinder is a handy tool that was designed in ... jpeg, png, tiff, exif, wmf and emf. ImageFinder employs state of the art, artificial intelligence algorithm ...
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