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Imagery: Digital Image Processing for Windows 7 - Enhance Images with Imagery - Windows 7 Download

Imagery: Digital Image Processing Windows 7

Imagery: Digital Image Processing 1

Improve images instantly with advanced digital processing.

Looking for a reliable digital image processing software to enhance your photos or create stunning graphics for your projects? Look no further than Imagery from VirtualDynamicsSoft. Packed with powerful features and intuitive tools, Imagery makes it easy to manipulate, edit, and transform your images with precision and ease. Whether you're a professional photographer or simply looking to enhance your personal images, Imagery is the perfect tool for bringing your digital visions to life. Download it today and start exploring the endless possibilities of digital image processing!

Imagery: Digital Image Processing 1 full details

File Size: 937 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $75.00
Released: 2011-12-16
Downloads: Total: 223 | This Month: 7
Publisher: VirtualDynamicsSoft
Publisher URL:

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Imagery: Digital Image ProcessingTeaching & Training ToolsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.5 (14 votes)

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Imagery: Digital Image Processing 1 full description

Imagery is an Intuitively-Easy-To-Use EduVirtualLab including at least 44 modules, useful to teach and to learn the theory of Digital Image Processing (DIP). The teacher may use Imagery during classes to make his work easier and more productive, because many demonstrations can be made in a very easy way, thus allowing for a quick visualization of the topics he is covering. The student may use Imagery either in the library or at home to review the topics touched in class. Imagery works not only on the author-provided images, it also operate on the user's images. The modules of Imagery include each a short theory. Many times the student needs to develop the software of a given application in order to really understand the power of the theme he is studying, Imagery helps the student to save time and effort, because many topics are already included in it, with the Imagery EduVirtualLab the student can concentrate on getting aware of the weak and strong points of a given subject, this is particularly useful in the case of Graduate Students, who are usually working against time and under pressure. The teacher of DIP finds in Imagery a strong allied because it helps to visualize the topics he is trying to teach. Imagery allows the student not only to easily visualize the topics it covers, but also to investigate by himself and at his own pace, thus increasing his level of understanding and confidence. Imagery includes the Class Notes (pdf format) used by its author when teaching DIP with Imagery.

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