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Impulse Media Player for Windows 7 - "Revolutionary Media Player for Windows 7" - Windows 7 Download

Impulse Media Player Windows 7

Impulse Media Player

"Experience immersive audio and video playback with Impulse Media Player."

Looking for a media player that can deliver outstanding performance without consuming a lot of system resources? Look no further than Impulse Media Player! This versatile software from Fabrizio Stellato lets you play your favorite videos and music files in high definition, with minimal lag and stutter. Thanks to its intuitive interface and user-friendly controls, even beginners can use Impulse Media Player to organize and play their media library with ease. So why wait? Download Impulse Media Player now and discover the power of modern media playback!

Impulse Media Player full details

File Size: 2.80 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2017-10-12
Downloads: Total: 653 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Fabrizio Stellato
Publisher URL:

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Impulse Media PlayerAudio File PlayersWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (22 votes)

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Impulse Media Player windows 7 compatible

Impulse Media Player full description

Impulse Media Player is the ultimate media player for Windows. Rather than a simple music player, Impulse Media Player might be considered an effective

When user is not just a simple passive listener
User can search for events, songs, scrobble or share track, look on its history's tracklist and apply useful fx to what is listening.

- Change speed of music without affecting pitch
- Change pitch (in semitones or cents) of music without affecting speed
- BPM Detection
- Loop mode
- Convert local or remote stream with selected speed, pitch and fx to MP3, WMA, WAV format
- Broadcasting feature with Shoutcast or WMACast
- Internet radio streams support
- Playlist management
- Skin selection
- Extreme performance also on slow machines
- Mini controlable Popup window over tasktray that allow user to do any other task in foreground
- Analyze and identify your current listening track with EchoNest Analyzer
- Automatically check for version updates
- Supported files extension: mp3, ogg, wav, mp2, mp1, aiff, m2a, mpa, m1a, mpg, mpeg, aif, mp3pro, bwf, mus, wma, wmv, aac, adts, mp4, m4a, m4b, mod, mo3, s3m, xm, it, mtm, umx, mdz, s3z, itz, xmz, cda, flac, wma, wmv, aac, adts, mp4, m4a, m4b, mpc, mpp, mp+
- Social

Connection to Last FM services features, included Scrobbling
Share and search track, event via Lastfm or Facebook
Context links wrapped from Lastfm, Facebook, Twitter, LyricWiki, or Spotify.

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Impulse Media Player Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Fixed pagination for artist music events
Added "venue search" on live music tab
[ Impulse Media Player release history ]

Impulse Media Player Windows 7 requirements

.NET Framework 4.0

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