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Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook for Windows 7 - Fix Outlook Errors with Ease - Inbox Repair Tool. - Windows 7 Download

Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook Windows 7

Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook

Effortlessly restore corrupt Outlook files with this inbox repair tool. Your emails are safe with this software.

Looking for a reliable tool to restore your Outlook data? Look no further than Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook! Developed by the trusted software company, this powerful solution allows you to recover lost or corrupted emails, contacts, and more with ease. Simple yet effective, this downloadable software is a must-have for any Outlook user seeking to safeguard their data and streamline their workflow. Try it out today and experience the peace of mind that comes with having your important files securely stored and protected.

Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook full details

File Size: 1.17 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $95.90
Released: 2011-01-01
Downloads: Total: 270 | This Month: 7
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Inbox Repair Tool for OutlookBackup & RestoreWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, WinNT 4.x

User Rating: 2.9 (14 votes)

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Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook windows 7 compatible

Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook full description

Microsoft Outlook traditionally uses two types of storage files: PST for regular users and accounts and OST for offline storage of data synchronized with users' Exchange accounts. Both of these files reside on users' hard drives and tend to grow very large with time. For obvious reasons, the larger an email archive grows, the higher its aggregate value becomes and the more vulnerable it appears to all kinds of file system accidents. The latter can be caused by a number of reasons ranging from HDD failures and power outages to file system corruption by viruses and users' own actions. An OST file can also be rendered unusable by accidental deletion of the Exchange account associated with it or by problems with the server itself. In all of these cases, Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook will help you get back to work in minutes - and you can do everything on your own, thus saving time and money! Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook is a multifunctional PST/OST recovery and conversion tool capable or restoring the integrity of corrupt PST/OST storage files and converting OST files to the PST format of the necessary version. The software supports Outlook storage files of any size (including files over 4 GB in size) and features a very clean and straightforward interface that won't let you make any irreversible mistakes. The damaged source files remain unmodified, so you can always resort to other recovery methods if the program fails to restore your data. Apart from recovering data from damaged files, Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook will help you convert no-longer-accessible OST files to regular PST files that can be immediately added to Outlook and used without any limitations. With this tool, recovering PST/OST data becomes a task anyone can handle. Don't let a deleted Exchange account or an accidental storage file corruption knock you out of work for more than a few minutes - for it's exactly the time needed for Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook to put you back on track!

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Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook Windows 7 release notes

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Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook Windows 7 requirements

Free Microsoft CDO or Outlook installation.

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