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Inbox Repair Tool for PST for Windows 7 - "Fix Your Outlook with Inbox Repair Tool" - Windows 7 Download

Inbox Repair Tool for PST Windows 7

Inbox Repair Tool for PST

"Fix corrupt PST files with ease - Get your emails back!"

Looking for a reliable and efficient solution to repair your corrupted PST files on Windows 7? Look no further than Inbox Repair Tool for PST by! This powerful and easy-to-use software is designed to help you recover all your data from damaged Outlook PST files in just a few simple steps. With its advanced scanning algorithms and intuitive interface, Inbox Repair Tool for PST is a must-have tool for anyone who needs to restore their mailbox data quickly and easily. So why wait? Download Inbox Repair Tool for PST now and give your Outlook data a new lease of life!

Inbox Repair Tool for PST full details

File Size: 1.26 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $59.90
Released: 2011-01-01
Downloads: Total: 362 | This Month: 7
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Inbox Repair Tool for PSTBackup & RestoreWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, WinNT 4.x

User Rating: 2.8 (10 votes)

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Inbox Repair Tool for PST windows 7 compatible

Inbox Repair Tool for PST full description

Since PST files are the only containers used by Microsoft Outlook for storing all users' messages, attachments, notes and other standard items, even the slightest corruption of these files immediately make all of these data unavailable and the file completely unusable. PST files tend to grow big with time and so do the chances of their damage in case of problems with the file system caused by power shortages, virus attacks, users' experiments with file system tools and hardware malfunctions. With no backup PST file at hand, you are stuck in a very unpleasant situation with no obvious solution. Fortunately, PST files (like the majority of other files) can be restored completely or almost completely with the help of specialized software - such as, for instance, Inbox Repair Tool for PST. Inbox Repair Tool for PST is a compact, highly intuitive and fast recovery tool for damaged Outlook PST files that will help you put you back on rails in minutes. The heart of the tool is an intelligent recovery engine utilizing several file analysis algorithms to provide maximum protection of your damaged file and outstanding recovery efficiency. The wizard-based interface of the program makes it a perfect choice for inexperienced users with no recovery experience at all. Apart from its primary purpose - data recovery - Inbox Repair Tool for PST can be efficiently used for PST to PST conversion. Any PST file (regardless of the version) restored by the program is automatically converted into a PST file having the same version as the currently installed Outlook. This feature ensures maximum compatibility and allows you to start using the generated PST file without further conversion. Finally, Inbox Repair Tool for PST can be used as a convenient viewer of the contents of PST files. Inbox Repair Tool for PST is an all-in-one solution for PST recovery, conversion and viewing that will help you out even when all other remedies have been exhausted!

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Inbox Repair Tool for PST Windows 7 release notes

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Inbox Repair Tool for PST Windows 7 requirements

Free Microsoft CDO or Outlook installation.

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