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install4j full changelog

install4j full changelog

install4j 11.0.1 released Oct 29, 2024 (New Release)
New features:
Added support for concurrent builds on the same machine
If the environment variable INSTALL4J_​LICENSE_​KEY is set, its value is used as the license key. This is useful for CI pipelines.
Bug fixes:
Regression in 11.​0: Generated .deb files could be broken under some circumstances
Regression in 11.​0: After the "Install Files" action was executed, sys.​preferredJre was set to the temporary JRE location instead of the installed JRE location
Regression in 11.​0: The project XML file format was not stable on Linux/​Unix
Regression in 11.​0: Fixed exception during compilation when the name of the configured JDK for script compilation name is empty
"Add a desktop link" action: Desktop links were not created for the current user on Linux
"Run executable or batch file" action: Fixed an NPE when redirecting to a log file and the output is only one line break
Added missing messages in localizations
PKCS#​11 code signing: improved matching of private keys and code signing certificate in the new PKCS#​11 implementation
macOS folder installer: If no generated launchers were included, the uninstaller could not display error messages related to JRE detection
Drag and drop in compiler and installer variable edit dialogs was broken
When closing the editor for form component insets with Ctrl-Enter, the currently edited value was not saved
Auto-provisioning of the Gradle plugin did not work correctly on macOS and Linux
Gradle plugin: Fixed problems related to the Gradle configuration cache
Build tool integrations: The "license" parameter could not be empty
install4j 11.0.0 released Sep 12, 2024 (New Release)
New features:
macOS notarization is now cross-platform, so you can fully build all media files on Linux or Windows
Added a PKCS #11 option for code signing on macOS
Added a selection dialog for the PKCS #11 slot index, listing HSM descriptions and manufacturers
Improved PKCS #11 certificate selection with better listings of available certificates.
A PKCS #11 certificate can now be selected by its label in addition to the issuer/serial selection.
For PKCS #11, an automatic selection option for the code signing certificate with the longest validity period is now available
When choosing certificate files on the "General Settings
install4j 10.0.9 released Aug 20, 2024 (New Release)
New features:
Added configurable namespaces for XML actions that have an "XPath" property
Added a way to set the authentication file for the license server on the command line by specifying --license=KEY[,AUTH_FILE]
Bug fixes:
Regression in 10.0.8: "Run executable or batch file" action: When elevated to maximum privileges and "Show console window" was selected, the action failed with an NPE
Regression in 10.0.8: "Read value from XML file" action did not work with namespaces anymore
Overriding properties of form components in styles did not work for some form component types, such as buttons
When copying and pasting a screen with overridden style configurations, the project could not be saved
"Button" form component: If leaving the action list empty, an exception was thrown at runtime
install4j 10.0.6 released Jun 19, 2023 (New Release)
New features:
Support JDK generation on Linux ARM and Alpine Linux
API changes:
Added UpdateDescriptor#getEntryForCurrentMediaFileId
Bugs fixed:
Regression in 10.0: Configuration of installation components: Saving of the settings "Initially selected for installation", "User can change selection state" as well as the dependencies was broken
Regression in 10.0: Project export was broken
Regression in 10.0: "Create common data files where possible" was broken for Windows installers
i18n messages were not replaced in the decriptions for macOS file associations
"Help->Show Directories->Show Directory Containing the Global Config File" showed the config file in the installation directory
Windows launchers: There was maximum length limit for the classpath which has been removed in this release
If a compiler variable entry in the distribution tree had an empty compiler variable value, the selection tree in the Files->Installation Components step was broken
install4j 8.0.5 released Mar 17, 2020 (New Release)
New features:
In development environments, the API runtime dependency now automatically provides the native libraries that are required by some API calls
In development environments, the .install4j runtime directory can now be specified with the system property -Dinstall4j.runtimeDir. This allows all API calls to work, including those that require access to the config file, such as Variables.getCompilerVariable(...).
install4j 7.0.11 released Apr 15, 2019 (New Release)
New features:
Added "Accept all SLL certificates" property to the "Install files" and the "Download and install component" action
Bugs fixed:
Fixed various exceptions when running installers with Java 12
"Modify text file action": Search values whose encoded bytes contained values larger than 127 were not found
Property modification actions discarded comments at the end of property files
Dialogs in the install4j runtime including alert dialogs did not center correctly in multi-monitor setups
Linux: Fixed exceptions in command line compiler on headless systems related to the Gnome accessibility bridge
macOS: Modular applications could not be started by the generated launchers
install4j 6.1.5 B6349 released Feb 27, 2017 (New Release)
"Password field" component: Added property "Show icon to toggle password visibility"
"Create start menu entry" and "Add a desktop link" actions: Added an "Icon file" property in the "Unix" category that sets the icon for the generated desktop file
Updated ICEpdf to 6.2.1 for PDF actions
install4j 6.1.4 B6320 released Dec 7, 2016 (New Release)
Added a "File name encoding" property for all ZIP file extraction actions
"Modify text files with regular expressions" action: XPath expressions that end in "/text()" can now also be used for matching empty nodes
Ctrl-Shift-L shows log file in Explorer/Finder
install4j 6.1.3 B6299 released Sep 26, 2016 (New Release)
systemd support for services on Unix/Linux
Implemented auto-start for services in Linux package archives (RPM/DEB). This only works with systemd and can be disabled in the launcher wizard under Executable info->Unix options.
"Wait for HTTP server" action: Added a "Variable name for response code" property
install4j 6.1 B6225 released Feb 24, 2016 (New Release)
Major compilation performance improvements
RTL support with 2 new languages: Arabic and Hebrew
Added a "Modify ZIP file" action

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