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InstrumentLab VCL for Windows 7 - Precision Instrumentation Suite - Windows 7 Download

InstrumentLab VCL Windows 7

InstrumentLab VCL 8.0

"Revitalize your UI with InstrumentLab VCL- intensive Windows 7 software."

Introducing InstrumentLab VCL, the solution to all your data visualization needs! Developed by Mitov Software, this software uses advanced algorithms to produce high-quality graphs, gauges, and other visual elements. Compatible with Windows 7, InstrumentLab VCL is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with major programming languages. Download today and see the difference in your data presentation!

InstrumentLab VCL 8.0 full details

File Size: 1482.98 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $199.00
Released: 2024-08-19
Downloads: Total: 856 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Mitov Software
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InstrumentLab VCLComponents & LibrariesWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer

User Rating: 3.5 (21 votes)

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InstrumentLab VCL windows 7 compatible

InstrumentLab VCL 8.0 full description

Delphi and C++ Builder VCL and FireMonkey (FMX) GDI+ rendered Visual Instruments. Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - LED control with On/Off states. - LED control with multiple states. - LED control with gradually changing intensity and/or color based on the input value. - Progress Bar. - Thermometer Gauge. - Angular Gauge. - Linear Gauge. - Analog Clock. - 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment Clock. - 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment Gauge. - 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment Indicator. - 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment Text. - Spectrum Display. - Matrix Display. - Rectangular, or elliptic panel covered with glass. Other features: - OpenWire Enabled. - Composite components - The components can also plug into each other, so an analog gauge can contain Thermometer, Clock, Segment display, or any other InstrumentLab or PlotLab control. - Matrix component rendering - The matrix can render any other InstrumentLab or PlotLab control, including another Matrix. - VideoLab layering integration - All components can be rendered inside video as a video layer in the TVLDraw component of VideoLab. - VideoLab video display hosting and rendering - The components can contain image display, and use it as internal background. The Matrix can render video by using the ImageDisplay. - PlotLab integration - All components can be rendered inside a Scope or Waterfall as backgrounds. The Waterfall and Scope can be hosted in InstrumentLab components. - GDI+ rendered. - Included counters and time measuring components. Free for non-commercial use.

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InstrumentLab VCL 8.0 Windows 7 requirements

Delphi or C++ Builder 12.0 or higher

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