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Integrated Genome Browser for Windows 7 - "Discover DNA insights with Integrated Genome Browser." - Windows 7 Download

Integrated Genome Browser Windows 7

Integrated Genome Browser 7.0.4 B15225

"Unlock genetic mysteries with advanced visualization. Discover IGB software today."

The Integrated Genome Browser, developed by the expert team at Integrated Genome Browser, is a cutting-edge software that simplifies the complex task of visualizing, exploring and analyzing genomic data. This intuitive software allows users to explore various types of biological data, including genomic annotations, DNA and RNA sequencing reads, microarray data, and more. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, the Integrated Genome Browser is an indispensable tool for researchers and scientists alike. Download it today and take your genomic research to the next level!

Integrated Genome Browser 7.0.4 B15225 full details

File Size: 8.40 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-11-05
Downloads: Total: 311 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Integrated Genome Browser Team
Publisher URL:

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Integrated Genome BrowserCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.8 (18 votes)

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Integrated Genome Browser 7.0.4 B15225 full description

Welcome to the download page for Integrated Genome Browser, a cutting-edge software developed by the Integrated Genome Browser Team! This innovative tool offers a powerful platform for visualizing, exploring, and analyzing complex genomic data in an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Whether you're a researcher, scientist, or bioinformatician, IGB provides the tools you need to navigate large datasets with ease, making it an invaluable addition to any genomic analysis toolkit. With IGB, you can generate interactive visualizations, customize views, and compare multiple datasets from a wide range of sources. Best of all, this powerful software is available for free! With an easy download and installation process, you can start exploring your genomic data in minutes. Don't miss out on this must-have tool for anyone working in genomics - download Integrated Genome Browser today!

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