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Internet History Wiper Utility for Windows 7 - "Cleanse your browsing history with ease." - Windows 7 Download

Internet History Wiper Utility Windows 7

Internet History Wiper Utility

"Cleanse your browsing past with Internet History Wiper."

"Say goodbye to your internet browsing history with the Internet History Wiper Utility from Developed specifically for Windows 7, this easy-to-use software ensures your online activity remains private and secure. Whether you want to erase individual files or wipe your entire internet history, this utility does it all. Start browsing with peace of mind and download the Internet History Wiper Utility today."

Internet History Wiper Utility full details

File Size: 1.71 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $9.00
Released: 2022-03-08
Downloads: Total: 569 | This Month: 20
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Internet History Wiper UtilityAccess ControlWindows 11, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 8, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Other

User Rating: 2.3 (15 votes)

Internet History Wiper Utility - Windows 7 Download awards

Internet History Wiper Utility windows 7 compatible

Internet History Wiper Utility full description

Internet browser history application protects your privacy removing visited page and downloaded unwanted banners and pictures content. Internet explorer eraser software program reaches all browser hidden files and deletes them. Tool wipes all user secret information like banking transaction details that remains in the PC for some time. Internet eraser tools also help to protect information like usernames and passwords by permanently removing temporary internet files. Utility allows to completely deletes all online and offline activities included search bar and address bar. Tool erase history in search engines included Google, yahoo and msn. Application program clean up system by removing internet cache and upgrade system performance. Internet wiping history application securely destroys all evidence of your computer usage index.dat files, recent documents. Utility removes windows junk mails, clears auto complete forms history. It can clear all footprints of popup windows. Tool also wipes window's temp folders, run history and cookies. Features: * Internet history wiper removes internet explorer history files and cookies. * Tool permanently deletes address bar history and temporary Internet files. * Software helps to provide better usage of hard disk by cleaning needless files. * Utility gives better performance of system by erasing of unwanted files. * Program is easy and safe to safeguards your computer privacy. * Internet explorer eraser software permanently removes visited web pages and images, banner and other web pages content. * Application support windows 98, ME, NT, XP and Vista operating system. * Tool provides attractive interface of pictorial representation.

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Internet History Wiper Utility Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Added full support for windows Vista OS
[ Internet History Wiper Utility release history ]

Internet History Wiper Utility Windows 7 requirements

Any Windows

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