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ITN Converter Portable for Windows 7 - "Convert Anywhere: ITN Converter Portable" - Windows 7 Download

ITN Converter Portable Windows 7

ITN Converter Portable 1.94

"Effortlessly convert route files with ITN Converter - The ultimate portable tool."

Looking for a versatile tool to help you manage your GPS data? Look no further than ITN Converter Portable - the ultimate solution for GPS data manipulation! Developed by Benichou Software, this easy-to-use software allows you to easily convert files, manage your GPS data, and more. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, ITN Converter Portable is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to stay on top of their GPS data. So why wait? Download ITN Converter Portable today and start taking control of your GPS data!

ITN Converter Portable 1.94 full details

File Size: 1.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2020-03-11
Downloads: Total: 801 | This Month: 14
Publisher: Benichou Software
Publisher URL:

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ITN Converter PortableOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.9 (11 votes)

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ITN Converter Portable 1.94 full description

ITN Converter is both a route converter supporting many formats and a simple and efficient route planner. The converter supports routes file formats (roadbook) from many GPS or mapping software, the most popular are TomTom, Navigon, Garmin, MapPoint or MapSource. This converter can easily transfer a route created by a GPS or mapping software to another GPS or mapping software. So you can download routes from many web sites, and convert it to the file format supported by your hardware.

ITN Converter Portable 1.94 download tags

ITN Converter Portable 1.94 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Update route calculation for OpenStreetMap
Update export of Tomtom itn files
Add import/export from/to ViaMichelin Route planner
Add import/export from/to Tomtom Route
[ ITN Converter Portable release history ]

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