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JCL POS full changelog

JCL POS full changelog

JCL POS 2.12.0 released Jun 9, 2015 (Major Update)
* Added: Option to set a notice in the invoice report
* Modified: Design enhancements were added in the invoice report standard format
* Modified: Design enhancements were added in the invoice report receipt format
JCL POS 2.11.0 released May 7, 2015 (Major Update)
Added Identifier of invoices in the system, being able to set a prefix and the consecutive number of them.
Added Receipt format to print the invoice in the invoices center
Added Option to set the default invoice print format in sales terminal
Modified: Identifier on the invoice T
JCL POS 2.9.1 released Mar 12, 2015 (Major Update)
-Purchase Statistic
-Function to remove the system data
-Search and printing criteria to windows: clients, business sources, accounts, loyalty cards, inventory, product purchase, product returns, product transfers and stocks
-Field 'additional cost' to the product
-Value fields to inventory
JCL POS 2.8 released Dec 20, 2014 (Major Update)
Accounts Module
Card Module
Card Templates Module
Discount rates
Linking clients and business sources with accounts
In Products purchase, return and product transfer, delete button
In simple product, function 'Used In ...'
In payment window in sales terminal, option to pay with loyalty card
JCL POS 2.7 released Sep 1, 2014 (Major Update)
New tabs to sales statistics,
Client Tittles,
Shift Report,
Visual changes to program navigation,
Visual changes in Receipt Center,
Visual changes in Invoice Center,
Invoice Model,
New Cashbox Movements window,
Shift Report window

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