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Juke That for Windows 7 - Experience crowd-pleasing music with Juke That. - Windows 7 Download

Juke That Windows 7

Juke That 1.4.2

"Enhance your music experience with Juke That - the ultimate jukebox software for Windows 7."

Looking for a fun way to add a little spice to your parties? Look no further than Juke That, a Windows 7 software package that makes it easy to create custom playlists and fun party games. Developed by Thomas Jacob, Juke That is a must-have for anyone looking to add a little extra pizzazz to their next social gathering. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, Juke That is the perfect tool for anyone looking to take their parties to the next level. So why wait? Download Juke That today and get ready to rock!

Juke That 1.4.2 full details

File Size: 4.10 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $19.99
Released: 2013-06-20
Downloads: Total: 785 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Thomas Jacob
Publisher URL:

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Juke ThatAudio File PlayersWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.0 (24 votes)

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Juke That 1.4.2 full description

Juke That is a Jukebox. Your guests are encouraged to wish songs by themselves, unable to damage anything. If you like, even protected by a password.

And when nobody places any wish, the Automatic DJ jumps in. He takes care that the music matches the last wishes played. And he favors popular songs, songs with many wishes in the past.

But that's not nearly all. Take the stickers you can download here, and you can make your own guest and DJ keyboards. Install a mini PC with this keyboards, and watch your party guests queue in front.

Ease of use

Juke That is unique at its ease of use. In most Jukeboxes and MP3 players, the guests can damage a lot.

Juke That is different. It separates an area where you manage your music from the Jukebox itself.

In the management, you rate your music, import CDs, MP3s, or from iTunes etc. In the Jukebox, your guests wish songs and the automatic DJ jumps in when the wishes run out.

Intuitive and easy

Using the Jukebox is fool-proof. Your guests (and of course, you, too) simply click on the plus sign next to a song and that places a wish.

Thereby, they cannot interrupt the current song, and they can't delete anything. So you can leave your computer to the hands of your guests.

You can set a password to prevent them from leaving the Jukebox area and you can disable the mouse or remove some controls, so e.g. only you can remove wishes. As you like.

Browse or search - your choice

You can browse the artists, genres, or albums, select Karaoke songs or list songs that have been wished most often, and much more.

The search is incredibly fast and very handy. Just type a few letters of a word and the matching artists and songs show up. Type another word start, hit Enter, and the wish is placed. It's never been that fast.

Juke That 1.4.2 download tags

Juke That 1.4.2 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· Improvement: You can add music from the network hood now, too
[ Juke That release history ]

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