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JW Scheduler for Windows 7 - Efficient congregation scheduling tool. - Windows 7 Download

JW Scheduler Windows 7

JW Scheduler 2.0

"Effortlessly schedule and organize with powerful JW software."

JW Scheduler is a comprehensive software designed for Jehovah's Witnesses congregations, to assist with organizing and scheduling meetings, public talks, and field service. It's user-friendly, customizable, and packed with several advanced features to simplify and speed up your congregation's workflow. With JW Scheduler, you could easily create weekly schedules, generate reports, and manage congregation data all in one place. Moreover, it's compatible with Windows 7, making it an excellent resource for congregation administrators using Windows 7. Download JW Scheduler today and make your congregation's organization seamless and hassle-free!

JW Scheduler 2.0 full details

File Size: 30.85 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $10.00
Released: 2019-02-25
Downloads: Total: 271 | This Month: 12
Publisher: JW Scheduler
Publisher URL:

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JW SchedulerReligionWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 3.0 (2 votes)

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JW Scheduler windows 7 compatible

JW Scheduler 2.0 full description

Introducing JW Scheduler - the ultimate software solution for managing your congregation's schedule and activities seamlessly. This powerful Windows 7 software offers an intuitive interface packed with features to streamline the organization and scheduling of JW meetings, public talks, ministry assignments, and more.

Developed by JW Scheduler, this robust software is designed to meet the unique needs of Jehovah's Witnesses, providing easy-to-use tools to manage your congregation's activities from a centralized location. With JW Scheduler, you can effortlessly schedule and assign tasks, confirm availability, send reminders, and handle last-minute changes without any hassle.

This Windows 7 software download offers an array of powerful features such as customizable templates, shift assignments, event tracking, and attendance management. Its user-friendly dashboard provides an overview of the congregation's schedule, activities, and appointments, ensuring that you are always up-to-date with vital information.

JW Scheduler is compatible with Windows 7, making it the perfect solution for congregations looking to enhance their organization and efficiency. This dynamic software allows you to save time, streamline your congregation's activities, and focus on what matters most - spreading the good news. Download JW Scheduler today and experience the benefits of advanced scheduling software tailored to your congregation's specific needs.

JW Scheduler 2.0 download tags

JW Scheduler 2.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
JW Scheduler is now a complete congregation scheduling program. JW Schedule now supports scheduling Public Talks, both incoming speakers and away speakers, Duties such as attendant, microphones, platform and sound, Cleaning and more!
[ JW Scheduler release history ]

JW Scheduler 2.0 Windows 7 requirements

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10

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