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K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool for Windows 7 - Optimize Windows video with K-Lite. - Windows 7 Download

K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool Windows 7

K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 6.7.4

Optimize Windows 7 video and audio with K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool.

The K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool is an essential software for those seeking to optimize their Windows 7 experience. Developed by Codecguide, this tool helps you solve common audio and video playback problems by configuring and tweaking codecs on your system. Its straightforward interface and convenient features make it a must-have for anyone who enjoys watching movies and listening to music on their PC. Download K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool now and start enjoying your media hassle-free!

K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 6.7.4 full details

File Size: 1.30 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-12-12
Downloads: Total: 4363 | This Month: 26
Publisher: Codec Guide
Publisher URL:

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K-Lite Codec Tweak ToolSystem MaintenanceWindows 11, Windows 10 32/64 bit, Windows 8 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.4 (35 votes)

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K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 6.7.4 full description

Codec Tweak Tool

This is a stand-alone version of the tool that is included in the K-Lite Codec Pack.

With this tool you can do things like:

Scan the registry to detect and remove broken references to codecs and filters.
Generate a detailed log of all installed codecs and filters.
Enable/disable more than 250 popular codecs and filters (if they are installed).
Manage preferred source filters (a.k.a. splitters).
Reset settings.
Backup and restore settings.
Adjust preferred decoders on Windows 7/8/10.
Various tweaks for disabling MS codecs on Windows 7/8/10.

Codecs are a necessary component if you want to enjoy all kinds of multimedia content without image or sound problems. However they often end up being a nuisance due to compatibility and updating issues. This is precisely the kind of situation you can fix with K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool in a snap.

All you have to do is run this application (no installation required) and you'll be presented with an options menu where you can choose the actions you want to be performed by the program: fixing problems, enabling or disabling certain codecs or even generating a basic TXT report.

Although the program is not intended for novice users (you really need to know what you're tweaking and there's no help available), it's quite complete and works really well.

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K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 6.7.4 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Minor compatibility fixes for Windows 7
[ K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool release history ]

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