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Kangas Sound Editor for Windows 7 - Powerful Sound Editing for Windows 7 - Windows 7 Download

Kangas Sound Editor Windows 7

Kangas Sound Editor 4.2.0

"Revolutionize your audio editing with Kangas Sound Editor - an intuitive and versatile Windows 7 software."

Welcome to the world of professional sound editing with Kangas Sound Editor for Windows 7. Developed by Kanga Sound, this powerful software offers a user-friendly interface with features to create, edit, mix and process audio files with ease. Whether you're a professional music producer or a beginner, Kangas Sound Editor will help you achieve your creative vision. Download it now and experience the ultimate sound editing experience on Windows 7.

Kangas Sound Editor 4.2.0 full details

File Size: 5.90 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-07-23
Downloads: Total: 1290 | This Month: 42
Publisher: Kanga Sound
Publisher URL:

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Kangas Sound EditorOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 2.9 (35 votes)

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Kangas Sound Editor 4.2.0 full description

There is a kangaroo theme to this software. The user can synthesize sound effects and music effectively from scratch using this program. Musical pitches are constructed using a system of frequency ratios, rather than the conventional equal-temperament notation. MIDI pitch numbers can be used to specify a base note from which other notes are relative to. The user interface uses a system of cells or boxes, which are placed using drag and drop, and that have associated properties which describe various characteristics of the instrument/sound/chord group etc.

Kangas Sound Editor is a small software to create music and sound effects. The Kangas Sound Editor allows sound effects and music to be created, but without requiring great knowledge of these subjects - in fact music in this program is created without the use of conventional music notation at all.

If you are not too impatient a user and have a willingness to experiment, then you are likely to get great results with the Kangas Sound Editor.


You can create music and sound-effects from scratch with it.
It uses a system of frequency ratios for pitch control, making it more suited to just intonation rather than conventional music notation and equal temperament. A MIDI start pitch can be specified using conventional music notation, however.
Instruments, both melodic and percussion, can be created from scratch by specifying harmonics or anti-harmonics(inharmonics) which are stored in a database.
There is a cellular-like structure to compositions, with cells/boxes representing entities at a low level of abstraction (e.g. harmonics) and at a higher level of abstraction (e.g. chord groups).
User-definable graphs are widely used in the program; for example, for control of volume and pitch envelopes, and for shifting the balance of stereo over time.
Audio output is to uncompressed .WAV files.
Audio input for recorded-sound boxes is from uncompressed .AIFF, .AU or .WAV files
From version 3, users can collaborate with and build on the work of others through an XML import/export facility.

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Kangas Sound Editor 4.2.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
(Windows & Linux). Changes to new installation sample database. Made the extent of Recorded Sound boxes sensitive to the Volume multiplier field in the containing Sequence box. Fixed bugs with .WAV sound file handling.
[ Kangas Sound Editor release history ]

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