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kJams Lite full changelog

kJams Lite full changelog

kJams Lite 1.0.2b47 released Jun 12, 2019 (New Release)
prefs: audio, importing & burning completed, working on Advanced
working on Paddle shopping cart for Windows. dammit microsoft, why did you have to make C# so difficult to deal with in C++???
kJams works again on macOS 10.10
in the pref panel "freedb" the "email blurb" at the bottom explaining what your email address is used for got chopped. I put it back.
there is now a cancel button on the "do you have a coupon" dialog
when deactivating, kJams will now auto-quit, since otherwise it would leave you in a half-baked state
the log stopped correctly reporting which button a user pressed in 3-button dialogs, fixed
Windows: a bug prevented Python from working at all (no python menu), this is fixed
Python: the would report the wrong button, and crash if you picked the left most button (off by one error)
kJams Lite 1.0d52r59 released Aug 9, 2012 (New Release)
· no longer crashes trying to play WMV files, but it won't play them either (yet)
· FEATURE: you can now quot;pre-cachequot; a song by right clicking it and picking the command from the menu (works on singers too)
· FEATURE: you can now quot;mark as sungquot; a song in the quot;KJ Rotationquot; playlist (not the Rotation)
· when a song is marked as sung (in any way), the browser will update later by sending a new command to the event que, rather than updating it *now*. trying to isolate the crashes here.
· Tempo is now correctly set as a float, so wtkJams can display it correctly
· fixed a spooler hang (infinite progress bar) under certain error conditions
· support for showing quot;last sung timequot; and put a song into faves from the Rotation list, for wtkJams
· fixed a non-obvious bug where numbers were getting truncated when putting them into dictionaries (a catalog of numbers). this mostly didn't affect you, but it bothered me, and prevented wtkJams from working right (see above)

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