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KMWin for Windows 7 - "Optimize your system with KMWin" - Windows 7 Download

KMWin Windows 7

KMWin 1.52

"Revolutionize your Windows 7 experience with KMWin - a powerful and intuitive software."

Introducing KMWin - the ultimate Windows 7 software for window management! Developed by the KMWin Team, this software allows you to easily customize and manage your windows with intuitive keyboard shortcuts. Say goodbye to the frustration of manually resizing and rearranging windows and hello to efficient and seamless multitasking. Download KMWin today and experience the difference it makes!

KMWin 1.52 full details

File Size: 717 kB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-08-29
Downloads: Total: 249 | This Month: 6
Publisher: KMWin Team
Publisher URL:

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KMWinCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (21 votes)

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KMWin 1.52 full description

KMWin (Kaplan-Meier for Windows) is a convenient tool for graphical presentation of results from Kaplan-Meier survival time analysis. The programme is an interface and intended to make working with R easier.

As an introduction, see homepage


Main Window - Creation and management of survival time plots, modification of curve properties as colours, line styles and legend texts, adaption of axes limits and labels, marking censored times, adding an information text or a legend, inverting survival time curves, displaying a table with cases under risk, performing Logrank tests across strata with desired p-value accuracy
Filter Window - Filtering survival time data by applying a filter string, catching filter strings which are not syntactically correct or filter out all data
Preferences Window – Modification of general settings as adapting colours, frames, fonts, and scaling of different components like the plain, axes, labels, text boxes or tables, automatically storing the most recent preferences between sessions
File Queue Window - Sequentially processing of previously created plots and saving in different output formats (emf, bmp, jpeg)
Log Window – Tracking the sequence of R commands, beginning with data import, selection of variables, changing curve properties and so on until finally plotting the results

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