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Kompas 3d LT for Windows 7 - "Powerful 3D modeling software" - Windows 7 Download

Kompas 3d LT Windows 7

Kompas 3d LT 7

"Revolutionize your 3D design process with Kompas 3D LT - the powerful and intuitive software for Windows 7!"

Are you looking for a reliable CAD software? Look no further than Kompas 3D LT, developed by the trusted team at Kompas. This versatile program makes creating and modifying 3D models a breeze. With a user-friendly interface and a robust set of tools, Kompas 3D LT is perfect for engineers, architects, and designers alike. Download it now and start bringing your ideas to life!

Kompas 3d LT 7 full details

File Size: 4.88 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $1.00
Released: 2009-09-07
Downloads: Total: 1647 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Kompas (
Publisher URL:

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Kompas 3d LTOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Win 3.1x, Windows Vista, Window

User Rating: 2.5 (20 votes)

Kompas 3d LT - Windows 7 Download awards

Kompas 3d LT windows 7 compatible

Kompas 3d LT 7 full description

System KOMPAS-3D is intended for creation of three-dimensional associative models of separate details and the assembly units containing both original, and standardised constructive units. Kompas-3D allows to realise classical process of three-dimensional parametrical designing from idea to an associative solid model, from model to the designer documentation. Key feature Kompas-3D is usage of an own mathematical kernel and the parametrical technologies developed by experts ask. The system possesses a powerful functional for operation over the projects including of some thousand, details and standard products. It supports all possibilities of the three-dimensional solid-state modelling which have become by the standard for a CAD of an average level Resources of import/export of models (Kompas-3D supports formats IGES, SAT, XT, STEP, VRML) provide functioning of the complexes containing various CAD/CAM/CAE systems.

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Kompas 3d LT 7 Windows 7 requirements

win. cpu 1GHZ

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