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LabQuest Emulator for Windows 7 - "Experience LabQuest on PC" - Windows 7 Download

LabQuest Emulator Windows 7

LabQuest Emulator 1.5

Experience real-time data collection without the need for physical hardware.

The LabQuest Emulator from Vernier Software & Technology brings the power of their LabQuest interface and sensors to your Windows 7 computer. With this software, you can replicate experiments, collect and analyze data, and run custom scripts from the comfort of your desk. Whether you're a student conducting research, a teacher preparing for a lab, or a scientist in need of a convenient alternative to physical equipment, the LabQuest Emulator is a must-have addition to your digital toolbox. Download it today and experience the future of scientific experimentation.

LabQuest Emulator 1.5 full details

File Size: 59.90 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-04-24
Downloads: Total: 561 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Vernier Software & Technology
Publisher URL:

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LabQuest EmulatorCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.3 (13 votes)

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LabQuest Emulator 1.5 full description

The LabQuest Emulator is a free simulated version of the LabQuest software on a Windows® computer. Use it to test drive the LabQuest software or project onto a screen for your class.

If you are considering the LabQuest

Test drive the LabQuest software and try out all the software features like graph analysis, built-in labs, periodic table, stopwatch, and more.
Explore built-in curriculum including experiments such as Boyle’s law, ball toss, and titrations.

If you own a LabQuest

Use an interactive whiteboard or projector and demonstrate the functions of the LabQuest to a class or group.
Create screenshot images of the LabQuest software for use in your own lab instructions.
Collect data on a computer using the LabQuest emulator software with a LabQuest interface and sensors.

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