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Lane for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize file transfers with Lane" - Windows 7 Download

Lane Windows 7

Lane 1.17

"Lane" - A robust and efficient Windows 7 software tool for streamlined file management. Experience the difference today.

"Looking for a versatile and dynamic software program for Windows 7 that can simplify your daily tasks? Look no further than Lane, created by Dmitry Rakov. This innovative tool simplifies file management, automates tasks, and enhances overall computer performance. With its intuitive interface and sleek design, Lane is the ultimate solution for users seeking efficient and effective software. Download it today and discover the power of Lane!"

Lane 1.17 full details

File Size: 5.36 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-12-10
Downloads: Total: 86 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Dmitry Rakov
Publisher URL:

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LaneScienceWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows

User Rating: 3.0 (2 votes)

Lane - Windows 7 Download awards

Lane windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

Lane 1.17 full description

LANE is a universal program for trajectories calculation of flight vehicles (stage - concept analysis, conceptual design): Example (flight vehicles) 1. Ballistic bodies, Projectile, Rail Gun, ... Example: Projectile, Q= 45 Grad, V= 100 m/s, H= 0 m Projectile, Q= -88 Grad, V= 0 m/s, H= 10 km Fussball (m=450 g, Umfang = 70 cm) Jules Verne - 1865 De la Terre a la Lune (= Von der Erde zum Mond) Railgun (Dmitry Rakov, Vergleich der Charakteristiken von Hyperschallgeschossen mit Starthilfen // DGLR-Jahrestagung, Bonn 26.-29. Sept. 1995.P.979-987). 2. Parachutes 3. Gliders Example: Glider (V=40m/s, Ho=2000m, K=50) Glider (Vo=0m/s, Ho=28km, K=20) Model Glider (V=5m/s, Ho=2m, K=20) Segelflugzeug DS-8 (18m, K=48) 4. Balloons Example: Gasballon (Gas - H, m=1000 kg, H=1km) Gasballon (Gas - He, m=1000 kg, H=1km) Vakuumballon (Vakuum, m=1000 kg, H=1km) Luftballon (Gas - He, m=100 g) 5. Reentry vehicles: Example: Wostok ( K = 0 V = 7,8 km/s ) Sojuz ( K = 0,25 V = 7,8 km/s ) Apollo ( K = 0,3 V=11,2 km/s ) Space Shuttle ( K = 1,4 V= 8 km/s ) Meteorites ( K = 0, V = 20 km/s, Density=2t/m3, D=10m) Luna-16 ( K = 0, V = 11,2 km/s ) Superlight Reentry Vehicles ( K = 0 V = 7,8 km/s) (D.Rakov. Superlight Reentry Vehicles. // Space Technology - Special Issue on Advanced Reentry Vehicles, ST2428, 2005 Volume 24, Part 4, Pages 237-243) Superlight Reentry Vehicles ( K = 0,3 V = 7,8 km/s) (D.Rakov. Superlight Reentry Vehicles. // Space Technology - Special Issue on Advanced Reentry Vehicles, ST2428, 2005 Volume 24, Part 4, Pages 237-243) Apollo ( K = 0,0 V=11,2 km/s ) - ballistic Re-Entry 6. Launchers, Rockets Example: V-2 Raketenmodel (m=10 kg) SpaceShipTwo (SS2)- Virgin Galactic Globale Glider (Eugen Saenger Prinzip) SpaceShipOne (SS1), Rocket Model (F=86N, Q=85, t=2s) Water rocket

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Lane 1.17 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
New models of flight vehicles
[ Lane release history ]

Lane 1.17 Windows 7 requirements

RAM: 512 Mb

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