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Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin for Windows 7 - "Revamp Websites with Stunning Slideshows" - Windows 7 Download

Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin Windows 7

Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin 1.0.0

Enhance your website's presentation with this versatile jQuery Slideshow Addin.

The Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin is a top-of-the-line software developed by Likno Software. This fantastic tool allows users to create high-quality image slide shows which they can display within modal windows on their websites. Its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with jQuery make it a must-have for web developers and designers of all levels. With the Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin, you can enhance your website's user experience and create engaging content that pops. Get it today and see the difference it can make.

Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin 1.0.0 full details

File Size: 569 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2009-11-25
Downloads: Total: 703 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Likno Software
Publisher URL:

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Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow AddinHTML ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.6 (20 votes)

Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin - Windows 7 Download awards

Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin windows 7 compatible

Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin 1.0.0 full description

The Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin is an exceptional software developed by Likno Software that adds a touch of professionalism to your website. The addin has user-friendly features and supports jQuery slideshow formats. The software helps you to create stylish photo slideshows for your website without any coding knowledge. Its modal window effect makes it stand out from all the slideshow plugins available in the market. The addin works seamlessly with all the popular browsers and has the flexibility to adjust the slideshow dimensions for different screen resolutions. Furthermore, the software is also responsive, which means the slideshow will resize according to the device screen size. The software is lightweight, and installing it won't slow down your website. The installation wizard is easy to follow, and the software updates automatically, ensuring peak performance at all times. With excellent customer support and regular updates, Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin is a must-have for anyone serious about enhancing the visual appeal of their website.

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Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin 1.0.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Fully customize the appearance of the Navigation Bar of your jQuery Modal Windows: the "First", "Previous", "Play/Pause", "Next", "Last" buttons, the text label, sheet numbers, background, mouse over effects, transitions and more, Set the modal window to open automatically when the page loads.
[ Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin release history ]

Likno Web Modal Windows jQuery SlideShow Addin 1.0.0 Windows 7 requirements

IE6 or above (for the Preview Pane)

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