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Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll for Windows 7 - "Efficient GSM SMS Solution" - Windows 7 Download

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll Windows 7

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll 6.1

SMS software for Windows 7. Easy integration with MS Office & Outlook.

Introducing Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll - the perfect solution for developers looking to create software that can send and receive SMS messages. Developed by Logiccode Software, it offers a reliable, easily integrated ActiveX component that provides extensive functionality for GSM modems and phones. With thorough documentation and code samples, the purchase also includes a comprehensive license and free lifetime upgrades. Boost your SMS capabilities today!

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll 6.1 full details

File Size: 1.03 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $69.99
Released: 2020-04-30
Downloads: Total: 743 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Logiccode Software
Publisher URL:

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Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX DllActive XWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.9 (16 votes)

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll - Windows 7 Download awards

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll windows 7 compatible

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll 6.1 full description

Are you looking to integrate SMS functionality into your Windows 7 software? Look no further than Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll from trusted developer Logiccode Software. This powerful tool allows users to send and receive SMS messages via a GSM modem or phone connected to their computer. With support for Unicode and long messages, this software is perfect for businesses or individuals looking to streamline their communication processes. Easy to use and fully customizable, Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll is a must-have for any Windows 7 software developer. Get your copy today and take your SMS capabilities to the next level!

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll 6.1 download tags

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll 6.1 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Added new property to retrieve network registration information of the modem,
Squashed some minor bugs
[ Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll release history ]

Logiccode GSM SMS ActiveX Dll 6.1 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium 600 MHz (& above) or equivalent, 256 MB Min Ram, GSM modem/phone

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